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I do what I want when I'm wanting to

my soul? so cynical



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Has my life ever really been my own?

All they see is a dumb brat, who is playing a dumb game. Sometimes I wish that they could feel the pain that I do. Then perhaps they would understand the reason why I do the things that I do and why sometimes I knowingly decide to do the wrong thing.

Everything could fall apart because of my own selfishness. I am very well aware of that and yet, I can't help it but to chase what my heart desires. Is it human nature or am I the one that's wrong? I am not that great at withstanding pain, even if I tend to act like I am and from time to time, I break one of the rules that Mr. Jeon tried to burn in my head and I decide to listen to the voices of the past. They keep whispering in my ears and calling my name, no matter how much I try to tell myself that it was long since I personally murdered the girl that I used to be.

The skies were a whirlwind of grey that day and rain was falling from the dark clouds. The soft pitter-patter of raindrops on the plastic roofs of the market, dulled out the sound of the conversations that were happening at the few stalls that were operating that day. Streams of water were flowing past the curbs and ending in large puddles, filled with floating garbage and pieces of rotting fruit and vegetables that they caught on the way.

There were only a few people that were trailing from one stand to another and trying to find the best deals on their weekly shopping. Umbrellas opening and closing, fogged-up car windows, individuals blowing warm air in their hands and trying to warm themselves up. The ambiance made the day seem a lot colder than it actually was and a certain woman was shivering as if we were in the middle of winter.

I made it a habit of paying her a visit every Tuesday, even if I never actually approached her and said hello. I was trying to convince myself that remaining a ghost, unable to get caught, made what I was doing a little less bad, but it couldn't be further from the truth. My actions were putting both mine and her lives at risk, but after one fateful afternoon when I spotted the bruises that she was trying to hide from everyone, I couldn't stay away from her anymore. I thought that she was safe and living a peaceful life, but I was wrong.

Mom, is he hurting you like he was hurting me?

The dark-haired woman was on edge for the whole morning and at one point, when she stopped at a stall and picked up a small watermelon, she suddenly accidentally dropped it on the ground. The fruit landed on the pavement, smashed in to pieces and two figures emerged from behind a truck that was used by one of the people who sold their products on the market. It was then that she turned her head and looked directly at me. I was sitting on the bench in front of a stall that was empty that day and I realised a little too late that she knew about my presence all along.

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