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if it's for you

I have the strength to move anything, you know that



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He has seen it all, he is sick of it all and he is bored of it all. He lived through the bad, he thrived during the good and now he had to go over every limit just to feel the smallest rush of excitement. That was the curse of obtaining everything that you ever wanted. Once you got it all, you inevitably grew bored, it started to feel like there was nothing left for you to do here and you became drawn to things that were bad and immoral.

Chanyeol tried to tell Baekhyun to enjoy the fruits of his hard labor, but their sweet taste wasn't enough to satisfy the criminal. He needed more. It was a neverending pursuit of more, one day in the form of money, another day in the form of a person that wasn't supposed to be his.

'' You know, I hate these type of events. Cash is just colored paper, but this is still such a waste of it. You might as well burn it. These fuckers have no idea what's like to wonder where your next meal will come from. They think that I'm the same as them and that I like these type of things, but it's not true. I'm not like they are. '' Baekhyun's silver hair was neatly parted in the middle of his forehead, he was wearing a pure black suit and his eyes were as sharp as knives, darting left and right and observing the crowd around us. Hitman's mansion was filled with people once again, expensive dresses were sparkling under the chandeliers and the clinks of champagne glasses were echoing through the air. '' I'll never allow myself to become like they are and forget how I came from nothing, Shian. ''

'' You have your things that you like to indulge in and they have theirs, '' I calmly replied and tightened my grip around his arm. In reality, I felt just as on edge as him. My sky blue dress was clinging to my body, my red hair was pushed behind my ears and unless you came close enough and really looked, you would never be able to tell that I was hiding a knife under my skirt. By the time that you would figure it out, Baekhyun would probably already gauge your eyes out anyway, since you were staring at something that you weren't supposed to.

I knew that a simple knife wouldn't actually do much, if anything were to go wrong at a party like this one. And it undoubtedly felt like it was only a matter of time before it would. Something strange was in the air. Or perhaps it was just the comedy of it all, the fact that Mr. Jeon threw another one of his lavish parties despite his son still being missing.

Hitman himself, was sitting on the same armchair as the last time that we saw each other. His face didn't hold any emotions and he was slowly bringing a cigarette to his lips. No one at the party spared a second look at the man that was kneeling down in front of him, even if he was far from the regular trained killer, who would have to necessarily show him respect. '' You came to surrender yourself to me? ''

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