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sapphire moonlight,

we danced for hours in the sand

tequila sunrise,

her body fit right in my hands



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The smell of money was intoxicating. It was everywhere, filling the room in it's entirety and consuming everything else that was there before it. The first few minutes under it's strong spell were bearable, enjoyable even. As a simple criminal, it was exactly how I imagined Heaven to smell like. Then my head began to hurt from the strong scent of the precious paper and the pain was quickly getting worse and worse, but I didn't dare to complain about it out loud.

'' You are going to make me go crazy, Baekhyun! '' Kim Minseok loudly exclaimed and started waving with his pen through the air. His tie was a little loosened, the two top buttons of his shirt were undone, his glasses were slipping to the end of his nose and he was massaging his temples with frustration. He worked as Baekhyun's main accountant and he reigned behind a sign for a law firm, which didn't really exist and actually only served as a coverup for the money laundering that was really happening behind closed doors. He had a framed photo of the office when he first started working here, but it couldn't even compare to the state of it now. The desk, the coffee machine, the drawers, even his precious law practicing certificate - everything was buried under stacks upon stacks of cold hard cash. '' There's too much money! I don't know what to do with it anymore! I'm already leading what seems like the best fishing company in the world, even if we own just one fucking dingy! Not to mention that hairdressers salon, which is open only on every first Sunday of the month and yet it somehow still manages to bring millions of won to the bank! The police is on my ass and I am out of laundry machines to stuff the money in! ''

Baekhyun calmly patted Minseok's shoulder and showed him a bright smile. '' Sounds like you're still as creative as ever, but... You are letting your stress get the best of you. ''

'' We're investing some of the money in a vacation for me? '' Minseok asked and looked at Baekhyun with hope in his eyes. It was an early morning in Busan and the local businesses barely began to open their doors. The sun was slowly rising up on the clear blue sky, people were taking their dogs on walks and everyone seemed at peace, except for the accountant, who already had five coffees and was tapping his foot against the ground as intensively as if he was about to suffer a heart attack. Or simply lose his composure, grab Baekhyun by his shirt and start screaming at his face. From the way that he was looking at him, I could tell that there were multiple occasions when he dreamt about doing it. I knew that because I saw the same look in Chanyeol's eyes too.

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