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❛ like sand, the tighter I hold on

the more you scatter away❜



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'' Superheroes aren't real and once you grow up, you two won't even be heroes at all. The truth is that we are all just regular people who learned how to do bad things really well. '' The hitman's voice was echoing in my head, like a wave of cold wind, enveloping my thoughts and taking me back to the past. At that time, Taehyung and I were too young to drink, drive or make any real decisions about our lives, but they still deemed us ready to learn how to strangle someone to death. In my dream, he was bleeding from the wound that he got earlier, when he refused to hit me after I already fell down. The hitman wanted me to learn pain from my own friend, like I didn't already know it from my family. '' Now, I want you to stop wasting my time and attack each other like you mean it. ''

I was being held captive and the Jeon mansion was my prison. Back then, I was still completely unaware of the big plans that Hitman had for my future and Taehyung was just a kid that happened to live in the same building. He was a runaway, both from the law and his tainted past. One of the hitmen scouted him after he heard that he murdered his father, who wouldn't stop abusing his mother. It was something that he did in a fit of desperation and rage, but Mr. Jeon saw it as potential. Taehyung didn't want to kill and that murder never stopped haunting him, but through the years, he was forced to grow accustomed to violence.

The sun was covered by someone's figure when I slowly opened my eyes. Memories from the dreams that I had, were still vivid in my head and I was confused, because, despite all the pain that I suffered, I rarely saw my past while I was sleeping. Squinting my eyes, I gazed up at the person that was standing in front of the lounge chair that I passed out on, before I saw something gleam in the sunlight. The blade of a knife. Jennie was standing right in front of me, her face was completely void of any emotions and she was pointing her knife at my throat. '' Did you enjoy your afternoon nap? ''

'' What...? Why are you...? '' I nervously mumbled, confused and unsure if perhaps I was still dreaming. '' Why are you pointing your knife at me? Did I accidentally eat some of your food from the fridge? Or am I still dreaming? ''

The girl spun the knife around in her hand and her lips twisted in to an eerie smile. Strands of dark hair were falling out of her ponytail and covering her eyes, she was wearing one of her tight black crop tops and baggy pants and she looked ready to get to work and spend her day leaning over the engine of a car. Perhaps right after killing me first. '' You want to know if you're still dreaming? Should I do something that would help you answer that question? ''

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