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❛ we'll go further, even further

finding a road never taken before❜



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'' They are going to take out their brass knuckles and send our asses right back home. ''

'' Without coke and a way to sell it, we might as well quit the game, '' I seriously replied and glanced at Chanyeol. He spent the past half an hour complaining and letting out his frustrations on us. His words didn't really help me to feel better, but I couldn't blame him for being in a bad mood. His best friend was gone, we were still trying to figure out a way to get him back and there was no way to tell if we would even be able to do it. '' But that's not what you want, right? ''

'' Since when have you been scared of a little brass knuckle? '' Jungkook spoke up, smacked Chanyeol's shoulder and chuckled in amusement. '' You're getting old, Chanyeol. At this rate, we'll soon be able to hear your bones cracking when you walk up the stairs. ''

'' We'll see who will be laughing when those brats will tie you up and roast you over a fire, '' Chanyeol snapped in response and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

I convinced him to use the phone of the now dead Falcon and schedule a meeting with a few of the kids that used to deal drugs for him. That was where we were headed to right now. They told us to come to some crack house in a fairly unknown residential neighborhood of Seoul and we were all a little bit worried about how the meeting was going to go.  We were the ones with the upper hand, since we had the money and the cocaine, but Chanyeol heard a lot of stories about the kids and how they liked to play by their own rules. 

We had no reason to be scared, but we also didn't want to unnecessarily kill someone. I had no intention to point a gun at one of the young drug dealers, but I was prepared to do it if they would force me in that position. We were the stronger players and if the stronger player liked you - you lived. If they didn't - you disappeared. Not the other way around. 

I wasn't expecting to see Falcon's grandson at the crack house. It seemed like he took it upon himself to look after the young dealers after their boss mysteriously died in a bomb explosion. I remembered seeing him with Chan back when the three of us still went to university, but he still looked like a completely different person now. There was no sight of his signature smile and he seemed stressed, as if he had no idea how he was going to make sure that Falcon's dealers would be okay. 

'' You feel guilty too easily, '' Jungkook seriously murmured and sighed. He noticed the way that I was looking at the young blonde, knowing very well that Falcon would still be alive and well if it wasn't for us. We were the ones who kidnapped him and tried to use him to get Taeyong to help us. 

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