Chapter 15

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"What the fuck Kim, you think you're too good enough you can't pass a ball, kick a ball, miss a clear goal?"

They all surrounded him sucking his air blaming him and his breathing heaved. His chest was tightening.

"Maybe you should have fucking died!You got your girlfriend scouring around you making all sorts of excuses for you but you see nothing, just like the fucking pass you missed!"

Chad threw a punch at Kim who wasted no time and instinctively hit back. Chad threw him on the grass taking his air and he was gasping. Chad got off him horrified and Roche pushed through the crowd.

She sank down on her knees next to Kim then looked back and yelled at everyone to step back. She panicked and not knowing what to do, she bent down and pressed her lips against his ever so softly as she slowly pulled him upright and wrapped her arms around him

"Close your eyes" she whispered "It's just you and me here"

He wrapped his arms around her savouring her body pressed against his and they sat like that for a long while. She whispered in  his ear how it was only them on the field and that he should breathe with her, in through his nose holding and exhaling through his mouth.

Her voice was soft calming and soothing. He liked her voice and she smelled soft and feminine. But most importantly she was there with him when he was convinced he was alone. And maybe Chad was right, he did not see her. How can you see someone if you don't look? His mother was there with him even though she had her own struggles. His arms around Roche grew limp and she let go. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him without hesitation because she loved him.

Afterwards they took a ride with her cousin and got off at Roche's house.

She sighed dissapointed as she looked at lights on in the living room.

"My mom and dad are home. They went to a talent show of my little sister and they are probably watching a movie now"

He nodded at the information and they walked to the porch where they sat down on the steps.

"I ..." She swallowed hard "I know you don't talk about your parents because you probably don't have a good relationship with them and if you wanted to you would have told me but you didn't talk and I didn't ask. I knew you were hiding stuff from me so I just never opened up.  You just went with the flow of things. I know you are kind and you never treated me bad or judged me even though I can be so shallow and I know that but you still stuck by me and maybe it's not enough but I love you for that"

She sobbed.

"I thought you were so selfish, how could you want to leave me like that? I was not and I am not ready to let you go but if you don't love me-"

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, pressing his forehead against hers as he bit down on his lips.

"I'm so sorry" he let out. "I'm so sorry. And I love you. I really love you"

She bit down on her lips and tears spilled down her cheeks. It was the first time he saw her cry.

"Why did you do it then?" She sobbed "Why did you want to leave me if you loved me?"

"I was drowning" he let out embarassed "I couldn't let you see me drown. I'm sorry I didn't see you"

He kissed her salted tears and she put her hands over his on her cheeks. He bit down on his lips and promised himself not to let her cry again. His father had spilled enough of his mother's tears and he was not planning on being that guy who makes girls cry.

"Lets promise each other one thing, that we will talk to each other really talk" she let out.

He nodded in agreement

"Now come on, it's time to meet my parents"

"I already did" he replied.

"No" she shook her head " I mean really meet them, spend some time with me and my family"

She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside before he could protest. The moment he set foot her house again he knew they were in a real relationship and all his doubts dissapeared.

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