Chapter 16

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It was late when Kim went home. Roche's father dropped him off and he went inside smiling. However, his smile dissapeared when he saw his mother in the living room staring at nothing, her face redden and tears rolling down her face. She startled when she saw him and got up trying to compose herself. She stumbled and he noticed the empty wine bottle on the kitchen counter.

"What time is it?" She asked. Her voice hoarse.

"It's past midnight"

"Oh" she let out "You okay? Where have you been?"

"I'm okay mom. I was at Roche's"

She nodded and hugged herself. He put his arm around her and this time she did not shrugg, she let him take her upstairs and got into her to bed as he covered her up.

He went downstairs to throw away the empty bottle when he noticed an envelope on the table with his mother's name on it. He hesitated but still opened it and pulled out papers. He glanced through them and sighed dissapointed. He put the papers back in the envelope and his eyes fell on a photograph pasted on the fridge. It was a family picture of happier days. But it was just not enough to make his father stay. He wanted out and the divorce papers was a clear sign of his commitment to a family he made. Maybe they were better off without him. You cannot make someone stay if they don't want to. Maybe he will always be a dissapointment in his father's eyes but his mother's he was not. He recalled how chuffed she looked with him by her side as she walked into the art gallery. She looked at him like he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. He did not recall the look on his father's face ever. Ken Young did not deserve them any less than they deserved him.

Kim startled when his phone vibrated and he answered Roche's call immediately.

"And?" She inquired "How was it? My family?"

He chuckled.

"I actually had a great time. Thank you"

"I just wish I could have kissed you goodnight" she said dreamingly

"Me too" he replied and this time he meant it. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat.

"So we made promises to tell each other everything" he said and took a deep breath. He imagined her anxiously waiting "My dad filed for a divorce"

Roche didn't hesitate like she normally would have when she spoke.

"I'm so sorry. Do you want me to come over"

He shook his head and walked to his room plunging down on his bed looking at the faded stars on his ceiling.

"No, I just wanted to tell you. We're fine now. I just thought you should know"

"Thank you for telling me"

"If I fail you, you should let me know okay"

"You couldn't even if you tried. You're not built like that"

He smiled at her voice thinking about how much he liked the sound of her voice as they spoke the faded stars on his ceiling seem to glow that night.

"I love you" she said softly

"I love you" he replied as they ended their call a full half an hour later.

That night Kim slept soundly. He fell asleep thinking about the people he loved and the people that loved him. They were right there in front of him the whole time and he couldn't see them. He was so focused on the wrong he didn't see the right and he was happy he failed. He was happy he got another chance at life.

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