Potential Sequel?

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Hello readers, it has certainly been a long time since I've touched this story. When I finished writing it I was ending my sophomore year of HS, now I am in my sophomore year of college! As fun as my psychology degree has been, I have been dipping my toes in the idea of continuing this story. 

I still love what I had been able to accomplish at that age and seeing the book at over 80K reads is plain astounding to me. Alice is still held near and dear to my heart, as well as the adapted characters of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. 

If there is interest from you guys, I'd love to plan and begin a sequel within the month. I have been tossing around two ideas- following Alice's story as she copes with Josh and Tyler touring during the Vessel and Blurryface era or more focused on a settled homelife and marriage between Alice and Tyler as they navigate young, married life. Both topics would have Twenty One Pilots as canon however, the second would make it less of a centerpiece. 

But it is up to you, the reader! Leave a comment on this chapter or contact my profile directly for input. Or, if you think this should be the natural end of the series let me know that as well. I'd love to hear from all of you as well as getting back into creative writing. Needless to say, all of these academic journals and lab reports have tired me out and leave little room to creativity. 

I would also love to share my improved writing skills because as much as my sophomore self loved writing, I have improved exponentially in that area since then. 

Thanks for everything and I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 

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