Omg, Shadow's Alive!

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That night, Modern Sonic zooms into Station Square, sensing the presence of a Chaos Emerald.

"Huh, that's odd. I don't normally feel Chaos Energy but this is too strong to ignore. A newbie fugitive like me could use a Chaos Emerald, now that I'm on the run. Hmm, the energy is coming from that apartment building."

He shrugs. "Weird but, meh, whatever."

He zooms into the building and knocks on Shadow's unit.

"I'll get it," Boom Sonic says, totally chill. He hops up from the couch, completely relaxed but Shadow spazzes out and grabs him.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Boom says as Shadow shoves him into a closet. "Oh yeah, cause this is a real great hiding place and all."

"Shut up," Shadow tells him as he grabs a massive gun on the closet shelf and zooms to the door.

He unlocks the deadbolt and beckons, "Come in... if you wanna die."

Modern Sonic is taken aback.

"Wow, that Shadroid in there sounds so real. Sorry Shadroid, but I need that Chaos Emerald more than you do."

The door bursts opened. Modern Sonic flings inside. Shadow starts shooting. Boom Sonic zooms into the space, tackles Shadow, grabs the gun and yells...

"Holy mother of chili dogs, Shadow! Why do you need a gun? You're the Ultimate Life Form... or something. Right? Jeez!"

Shadow stands up.

"I am the ultimate life form but sometimes I like to use guns. Don't judge."

Lying upside down on the couch due to a jump maneuver he used to avoid being shot, Modern does a double take at Boom, then a double take a Shadow, saying...

"What the... Shadow the Hedgehog?"

Shadow pauses, not sure if Modern Sonic is about to lunge at him again. Instead, Modern bolts to Shadow and embraces him so dramatically that the two nearly swing into the wall.

"Shadow! You're alive! Buddy! Oh man, I thought you died in space! You don't know how much I blamed myself for not being fast enough to save you and, gosh I'm so glad to see you!"

Shadow gives Boom a look as if to say, help, but Boom just grins.

Modern Sonic holds Shadow's face, making him look like a fish. Practically in tears he goes on to say...

"Look at you, the real Shadow the Hedgehog! You sound like him, you look like him, you even smell like him!"

Boom laughs, "And just what does the Ultimate Life Form smell like? If ya don't mind me asking."

"Way cooler than those knock off Shadroids! No way I'd forget this face! Yay!" Modern hugs Shadow again. "Yes, yes, you're the coolest! Haha!"

Boom giggles as Modern squeezes Shadow nice and tight, to the point where Shadow begins to squirm.

"Faker! You're squishing me, Faker!"

Modern lets Shadow go, and puts his arm behind his head, embarrassed.

"Haha, oops, sorry, pal."

Boom offers Modern a handshake.

"You must be this modern world's Sonic. I'm Sonic too, obviously. Just a hand shake though. I get enough tight hugs like that from Amy Rose."

Modern beams and shakes Boom's hand enthusiastically.

"Oh me too, I hear ya! Great to meetcha, athletic tape Sonic! I thought you were killed by all my ex-friends. Boy, I didn't expect to find either one of you alive here in this little apartment. I just came cause I thought there might be a Chaos Emerald in here."

"There is," Shadow tells him, "that damn fourth Chaos Emerald. But you're not taking it. We need it. Sorry."

"HEY! I have an idea!" Modern blurts out with ecstatic happiness. "We should form a rebel team, all three of us. Shadow the Ultimate Life Form, my Rugged alternate self, plus me, versus the world! What do ya guys say?"

Shadow and Boom look at each other. Boom nods, saying, "I like it, I like it a lot."

Shadow hesitates as he watches the two Sonics fist bump.

Modern insists, "Come on, Shadow! We'll be awesome! The three of us! We can call ourselves something cool and edgy like, Team Dark."

Shadow asks, "Don't you already have a team?"

Modern tells them, "I'm done with my old crowd after what they did to my double right here. Please? Dontcha know I totally heart you, Shadow the Hedgehog?"

Shadow surrenders. "Fine."

"Yay!" Modern cries as he gives Shadow another big hug, nearly knocking him over this time.

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