Super Sonic Boom

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Boom Sonic realizes that, at no point, have any of them stopped moving. As they blast all up and down the space highway, extraterrestrial debris crashes near them from every direction. Shadow races close enough to bump side to side with Boom and says...

"Try the sensation of a Chaos Emerald."

He tosses Boom the Chaos Emerald. It flashes like a strobe light. Boom feels his quills getting hotter, his legs moving faster, his body turning... blue-er?

"Holy cow, it's like being on fire!" he shouts, "Oh YEAH!"

Modern and Shadow skid to a halt and observe, as Boom, with only one Chaos Emerald, bursts into neon-blue super mode and jets into air like a shooting star.

"Show off," says Modern.

"Damn," says Shadow, "he just went flame-core super!"

Modern asks, "What dimension did you say he was from again?"

"I'm from an alternate version of this one. He's from... I don't know where."

"Hold the phone. You mean you're not the same Shadow that died after the battle near the Eclipse Cannon?" Modern asks.

"I am," Shadow tells him, "except in my world, Eggman saved me with a robot. In this world, no one rescued me. So your Shadow is dead."

Modern ponders then says, a bit somberly, "I guess that makes more sense. Hmm. If your world shares the same events as this one, then you must know about Black Doom coming here and ruining everything."

Shadow tells him, "In my dimension I defeated Black Doom."

"But how?" Modern asks. "Even I couldn't defeat his army. Eggman's machines had to do it cause apparently his grandfather had some blue prints for a weapon that could..."

"That weapon was me," Shadow says. "I have Black Arms DNA, that's why only I could get the job done. I met this other version of you in a completely different dystopia than this one. Things got intense and I died there, then woke up here by accident."

Boom lands in between them, knocking them off their feet.

"Guys, I'm pretty sure I ate a whole star just now," he tells them. Then he raises the Chaos Emerald above his head and asks, "how do you turn this thing off?"

Shadow takes the Chaos Emerald. Boom Sonic powers down.

"Man, that was awesome, I feel like a million buuuggghhh..."

He passes out. Time goes askew. After what feels like an eternity Boom Sonic comes to. He slowly blinks, trying to wake up... but everything's a blur. And not a cool, awesome Sonic blur... a serious hangover blur.

"Are you okay?" he hears someone ask.

Not sure if it's Amy or Sally he responds with a fool proof...

"What was that, Bae?"

Modern and Shadow give each other an awkward look as Shadow gets on his knees and sits Boom up in his arms. Boom opens his eyes completely. Yup, still at the ARK.

"Oh crap," he says again weakly, once his eyes focus enough for him to see that it wasn't Amy or Sally but in fact, Shadow.

"Jeez, this reminds me of that time when I accidentally kissed you," he confesses, embarrassed.

"HA!" Modern blurts, "you got blackout super!"

"Ugh, I think you're right," Boom agrees.

Shadow turns bright red and yells, "I don't know what you're talking about! We never did that!"

"Oh right," Boom remembers, "that was the Shadow back in my world. My bad. Can you like, not yell in my ear? My head's already spinning enough as it is."

Shadow regrets his harshness and gently says...

"I'm sorry, I won't yell. Do we need to go back down to Earth so you can take a nap on the couch?"

Modern falls over laughing hysterically. Shadow and Boom turn beet red.

"Oh, oh my side! Woo-wee, you guys are a blast! I haven't had this much fun in ages."

"Oh. Okay good," says Boom, "I was about to worry that you might be laughing at us but apparently you're laughing... with us?"

Modern cracks up again.

"Totally! That damn fourth chaos emerald is the shiz! Can I try it this time?"

Boom reminds him.

"Aren't we here on a mission or something?"

"Oh right," says Modern. "Sorry, I forgot. We should probably find Tails and see if that spider mech is a go for annihilation by Team Blackout Dark. Haha!"

Shadow helps Boom stand.

"Doubt it. It's a construction mech. They're fairly harmless and one of Gerald's inventions. A native super bot created way before the days of Eggman."

"Poo," says Modern.

Boom reassures Modern.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there's another mech around here that we can obliterate and believe you-me, like literally, believe you-me, I look forward to smashing one of Eggman's monster-mechs just as much as you do."

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