Shadow Sandwich

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In an open field, under the stars, Team Dark practices some fresh moves.

Modern explains, "On the count of three, you do Chaos Control and we'll spot you. Kay, Shadow?"

"Wait, what?" Shadow asks, confused.

Boom clarifies. "He's, I'm, we're gonna count to three and you're gonna Chaos Control. Then at the same time, we're gonna zoom to the spot you were standing in. Got it?"

"Wait, why?" Shadow asks.

"Because," says Modern, "we wanna throw our enemies off, make 'em think you disappeared but then me and Rugged will collide back to back when you Chaos Control. The idea is that we'll crush which ever bot lunges at you, even if its too huge for just one of us. We can use this move on larger opponents, ya know? Make sense?"

"Sort of," Shadow responds, admittedly still confused.

"Let's just try it," says Modern. "Okay, one, two..."

Shadow yells, "Chaos Con..." but his timing is late and he ends up smashed between the backs of both Sonics.

"...ouch," he finishes.

"Dude, weak," says Boom, "let's try that again only let's include the part where you get it right."

They give it another go. Modern yells...

"Ready? One, two..."

Shadow yells, "Chaos Contro..."

They smash him again.

"Ugh..." they all groan.

Boom becomes impatient.

"Come on, Shadow, where's your A-Game at? I'm gonna go get whatever drink might be in that vending machine I see over the horizon. BRB, homies!"

"Kay," says Shadow as Boom zooms away.

Modern gives Shadow a cocky smile.

Shadow is instantly annoyed.

"What's your problem, Faker? Chaos Control isn't as easy as it looks."

Modern smirks. "Ah-huh, that's the problem. It's too hard. Yeah right."

"You know you can't do it better!" Shadow snaps.

"Take a chill pill, Shads," Modern responds, seemingly becoming more cocky.

Boom zooms back.

"Thought I'd try this Eggman Cola. Probably gonna regret it. Let's see how it tastes..." he takes a sip.

Modern warns him.

"Like eggs."

Boom spits the cola out.

"Awe that's beyond nasty! Who would drink this garbage?"

"The bots love it," Modern tells him.

"That makes sense. Gross. Okay, let's give it another go. Alright Shadow, one...two..."

Shadow comes in too late again.

"Chaos Con..." SLAM!

Boom is puzzled.

"Dude, you are seriously not getting this. I'm kinda surprised."

Modern tells Boom, "The orange cola's pretty good."

"Yeah?" says Boom. "I need to get that egg taste out of my mouth. One more run, last one, I swear."

He zooms away.

"Heh," huffs Modern Sonic.

"Maybe we need a break," Shadow suggests.

"Maybe you're turning red," Modern says, referring to Shadow's cheeks.

"Only because you both keep sandwiching me!"

Modern teases, "Yeah, yeah, and you kinda like it."

Shadow is agitated.

"I do not!"

Modern laughs.

"Well, maybe not my side of the sandwich."

"What's that supposed to mean, huh?"

Modern taunts.

"It's cool. I mean, if this move is too hard for you..."

Shadow interrupts.

"You know it's not. I even have a Chaos Emerald."

"So what's the story? You disappeared in space, went to another dimension, and became besties with the Rugged version of me? That's adorable, Shadow."

"No. Yes. Wait. That's, that's not... well yes but..."

Boom zooms back to them with three colas.

"Back. I got me and myself Orange and I got Cherry for you, Shadow. Cause it's red. That was literally my logic."

He hands them their colas. Shadow turns red again.

"Whoa, all that colliding really did a number on you," notices Boom. "We should stop anyway cause I'm hungry. Do they have any Meh Burger chains around here?"

"Meh Burger?" giggles Modern. "That sounds appealing... not!"

"It's not really," Boom agrees. "Oh hey, Shadow makes killer chili dogs!"

Modern beams.

"Really? You'd make us some chili dogs, Shadow?"

Shadow feels put on the spot.

"I dunno, I kinda shot up the apartment pretty badly earlier today, remember?"

Boom negotiates.

"I have an idea. If we fix the apartment, then you can make us some chili dogs! I'll do just about anything for a chili dog, especially one made by you."

"Same," Modern concurs, "but not that last part. A chili dog is a chili dog, be it from the gas station or from Shadow's kitchen. My standards aren't that high."

"Mine usually aren't either but Shadow's really are worth it," Boom brags.

Modern gives Shadow another taunting smile.

"I'm sure they are, Rugged me."

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