Buzzed on Speed

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At the site of the rocket launch, both Sonics zoom onto the ramp. Boom spin dashes the door, forcing it to open. Modern runs in, Boom and Shadow follow.

"I win," Modern proclaims cockily.

"Yeah cause I opened the door for you!" says Boom.

"Meh, fine, it's a tie. As long as we can all agree that Shadow's too slow," Modern laughs. So does Boom.

Shadow rolls his eyes.

From Eggman's lair, Omega alerts Eggman to a disturbance at the launch.

"Hedgehogs sighted at the launch in Station Square, Sir."

Eggman responds with, "That's annoying. Probably a couple of those brainless Shadroids standing in the way. Launch anyway. We have thousands of those things. Honestly, they're starting to get on my nerves."

Omega triggers Eggman's machinery to display a video transmission of the rocket's cockpit. Eggman stands.

"Hang on! Sonic, Sonic, and a Shadroid? Scan their heat readings!"

From within the cockpit a red laser beam scans the space, causing the three hedgehogs to cautiously freeze in their tracks.

"That's not good," says Boom.

Back with Eggman, he seems to have paused as well. Omega initiates dialogue.

"Abort the launch, Sir?"

"No," Eggman finally says. "I was wrong. That's... that's not a Shadroid. That's Shadow the Hedgehog. No. No way. Let them go."

Omega's sensors make a surprised sound.

"For what reason?"

"Just let them go," Eggman says, seeming almost sentimental.

"Yes, Sir," Omega responds as the rocket launches.

It doesn't take long before the rocket enters the ARK's gravitational pull. Unexpectedly, Modern Sonic experiences a fervent rush of endorphins. Something about rocketing back to the ARK with himself and Shadow sends him into state of mania. All the oppression from Eggman's empire weighed him down for too long. So much pinned up energy.

He spazzmatically instigates, his voice running at the speed of his legs.

"You guys wanna dive out before we auto-land and then we do a sweep through the ARK and collect rings and bust a bunch of Badnicks and then we keep running and watch the stars explode until our feet catch on fire and..."

"This is like, the longest run on sentence ever," Boom interjects.

Modern Sonic homing attacks the door. It slides opened.

"Doh, you're too slow! See ya!"

He ejects out the rocket, lands on a series of floating bridges near the ARK's exterior, and whizzes away.

Boom Sonic zooms to the doorway excitedly.

"Wait up, ballzy, modern me!"

He catapults himself out the doorway and also lands on a floating highway. Shadow Chaos Controls beside him and takes off. Modern jumps and lands on the other side of Shadow. All three of them zoom together, splitting off at three adjacent bridges.

"What took you so long?" Modern playfully demands.  "Ooo, is that a big mech in the distance? Let's totally wreck it!"

They head toward a massive, spider-like mech that seems to be maintaining a construction zone at the bottom tip of the ARK. Having second thoughts, Boom calls out...

"Is that thing doing something wrong? We don't have to pulverize it if it's not hurting anyone!"

Modern homing attacks Shadow. Shadow dodges. Boom is confused.

"What the? What the heck are you guys doing?"

Modern manically yells to Shadow, "Come and fight me, Faker!"

Boom questions, "We're fighting each other now?"

"First rule of the ARK club, we don't talk about the ARK club!" Modern yells back and homing attacks Boom. Boom dodges. Shadow whips out the damn fourth Chaos Emerald and suddenly shoots ahead of them so fast, he leaves behind a trail of fire.

"Yes! Yes, that was sweet! Freakin' awesome!" Modern yells and follows the trail.

"You guys are insane!" Boom frets, "Oh snap, meteors!"

Meteors start colliding into the highway. Modern sprees onto a rail and grinds a few feet above Boom.

"Dive bomb me! Let's Street Fighter this thing up like we're free again!"

Boom tries to reason with Modern.

"Listen me, I know living in a dystopia too long could make us crazy but do you not see the meteors flying at you? This is completely reckless! ...aaannnnd now I sound like Princess Sally." 

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