Team Everybody

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Using a short cut, Shadow quickly leads the gang into the ARK's core.  Tails is impressed.

"Even my digital map doesn't have all these secret passage ways. Awesome job, Shadow!"

Rouge fans herself.

"I've got Knucky, Shadow, and Dreamy Sonic, all in the same space. Hubba Hubba!"

"I'll admit," says Amy, "Two Sonics is making me wanna melt."

Knuckles rolls his eyes, annoyed.

"Ladies, can you focus please? Sheesh."

Suddenly the wall in front of them begins to move.

"Another short cut?" Modern asks.

"I'm thinking this might be the mech," Boom says, bracing himself. Everyone follows his example and braces theirselves as well.

Indeed, the wall transforms into another mutant spider mech, with Eggman encapsulated inside of it's glass, dome-shaped head. Eggman welcomes them over a megaphone.

"Greetings, traitors! Did you really think I didn't know about your little plan? Oh and hello again, Shadow. Long time no see. Now that we've been reunited, I'm going to enjoy personally destroying you face to face. Ya know, I always dreamed I'd be..."

"Chaos Control!" Shadow yells, teleporting onto the mech's head.

"Hey! I wasn't done!" Eggman cries. But everyone's already started wailing on the mech.

Eggman growls and sends one of the mech's legs swinging at Shadow. 

Shadow yells, "Chaos Control" again and with perfect timing, both Sonics collide and crush the leg, wrecking it. In fact, with such a powerhouse of good guys, it doesn't take but a few more killer moves from each member of the gang, to completely pulverize the mech. As the machine collapses to the floor, the whole group cheers. But Eggman presses a button causing the center of the mech to open.

That's when Omega flies out.

"You fools. You think because this robot was bigger and more scary looking, that it was a true threat? This was nothing but a construction bot from my grandfather's array of builder mechs. No, no, it's this fine creation, named, Omega, who you should all be afraid of...especially you, Shadow!"

Omega Chaos Controls to Shadow, grabs him, and disappears.

"Did I mention he's filled with six Chaos Emeralds?" Eggman adds before throwing his had back with an evil cackle.

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