Final Boss

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Outside, at the edge of the ARK, Omega grips Shadow so tightly that Shadow is unable to channel the energy to use Chaos Control to escape the robot's clutches. Omega's eyes light up brightly, engulfing Shadow in a wash of red.

"I was created to destroy you, but was never utilized because you were destroyed years ago in the Earth's atmosphere. Now I will fulfill my purpose."

Omega flies into outer space, holding Shadow out like a piece of trash intended to be dumped.

"My death squeeze combined with the lack of oxygen, as we travel further and further away from the ARK... will kill you in a matter of minutes. I had hoped this would be more of a challenge, Shadow the Hedgehog."

"Don't... do... it... Omega," Shadow pleas, "You and I are... friends in... another dimension. We're... the true... Team Dark... you... me... and... Rouge."

"I am a robot, I have no friends," Omega proclaims as Shadow gasps then begins to loose consciousness.

They leave the plain of gravity. Omega shakes Shadow mercilessly. Shadow is unresponsive. Out of the blue, Modern Sonic fiercely torpedoes at Omega, throwing him off balance. Omega lets Shadow go. As Shadow floats limply in the air, the damn fourth Chaos Emerald leaves him. Omega is about to grab it but Modern flings in the way and grabs it instead. The emerald's power gives him a Sonic Boost.

"You're the one about to be crushed, you loser-bolts for brains!" Modern yells.

Then he hits his internal Y-Button and slams into Omega. Omega spins out of control but quickly stabilizes himself.

"I see you can Chaos Control into space as well, Sonic."

"No, it's called Time Stop when I do it. Duh! Get with the program, Omega!"

"That is odd, but it will not stop me from completing my task."

Omega fires a laser beam that hits Modern Sonic, knocking him out of range... but the chaos emerald keeps him charged. Omega revs up his internal cannon, preparing to blow Shadow away. Flying nearby, in an enlarged, space-craft version of The Tornado, the gang converses...

"How in the heck are we gonna take him down when he has six Chaos Emeralds?!" cries Tails.

Rouge replies with, "Sonic only has one and he's doing pretty good. If we can get another one, we can send Rugged Sonic out there to help fight Omega."

"No time for that! Go get the other me, I'll save Shadow!" Boom Sonic yells and ejects from The Tornado.

Amy desperately warns him.

"Sonic, no! Without a Chaos Emerald, there's not enough oxygen out there for you to breathe!"

"It's too late!" Knuckles yells.

Boom Sonic spin dashes mid air and grabs Shadow before Omega can finishing warming up. He bounces off Omega with all his might, causing himself and Shadow to spring downward, back toward the bridges near the ARK. They land where oxygen still flows. Shadow comes-to, Sonic helps him stand.

"Dude, this bot blows," Sonic says. "We gotta get those emeralds if we wanna stop him. Any idea how to do that?"

Shadow admits, "Not without destroying him, which I don't wanna do."

"At least you're honest," Sonic shrugs... as Omega suddenly shoots him in the back with the blast meant for Shadow!  He crashes into Shadow's arms like a broken doll!

"Sonic!" Shadow cries.

The entire universe goes into slow motion for Shadow. He grips tightly onto Sonic, unsuccessfully trying to contain the life that's already instantly exited his body. No escaping the flashback of Maria. Somehow it always seems to perpetuate itself through the loss of something or someone equally as special. Is happiness just not attainable for Shadow the Hedgehog?

Omega lands with a bang, on the edge of the bridge's end point, about twenty feet away, spotlighting Shadow and Sonic with more ominous red light.

Though he knows things are looking grim for him, Shadow's mercy for Omega has completely blown out the window. He's now fueled by such intense rage, that he nearly wants Omega to come closer.

"I've been observing you, Shadow," Omega tells him. "You are not from this world. Neither is that Sonic I have killed with the power of six Chaos Emeralds. He should not have intervened. None of you have seen my fully-loaded blast, but now you at least understand that, without the emeralds, you are all powerless against me. Especially him. Love. Is. Stupid."

Shadow carefully lays poor, limp, Boom Sonic onto the asphalt.

"Now feel the wrath of my light speed cannon at full capacity," Omega says as he revs up to blast Shadow into dust.

But Shadow Chaos Controls inches from Omega and hovers at eye-height to glare at the robot, dead in the bright red light of his mechanical specs.

"Lights out, Omega."

He violently punches a hole into Omega's core and rips out Omega's wired guts. With his eyes still locked onto the blinding red of Omega's aperture, he feels the electrical current of Omega's life force short circuit and shut off. The emeralds release and manifest in the air, floating idly near Shadow. Shadow drops to the asphalt, steps back, and tosses the robot's artificial guts over the highway.

"In coming!" Modern Sonic cries, swooping down from The Tornado like a bursting flame. He ricochets off Omega, causing Omega to fall backwards over the edge... and explode.

Modern Sonic lands next to Shadow, pretty proud of himself.

"What a jerk," he says.

But Shadow isn't standing beside him anymore. He's already on his knees, beside the other Sonic, trying hard not to panic. Modern turns around to see the terrifying sight of himself dead.

"Oh no!" Modern yelps, "He killed me!"

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