Chapter 6: Confrontation

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Taehyung POV

It was like 30 mins to wait Manager hyung pick me up in the cafe nearby. I could just wait in the apartment with Tzuyu but I decided not to.

My heart could burst at anytime seeing her face so close like that. How dare the other people just left us in the bed together like that last night? What if rumor spread?

"No, rumor won't spread," Manager hyung told me, as if he could read my mind. "Me have taken care of it, no one would do, they have signed the confidentiality agreement you know. What happened in WGM, stays in WGM. We can just sue if someone betray us."

I nodded, sip the bottle he handed over to me.

"Be prepared, Tae," he added. "You'll attend Music Bank tomorrow."

Yeah, I almost forgot about the Music Bank. We will have our comeback performing Fake Love.

Does it mean I will have to meet Chou Tzuyu again?

So, last night went a bit too unpredictable. All I wanted was just a simple shoot with her by singing her a lullaby but both of us just fell asleep in each other arms.

And I found her in the morning observing my face, closely, her hands were on my chests and I put my hands on her waist.

That was an accident.

And Jungkook knows this.....

Speaking of the devil when my phone rang and the caller was Jungkook.

"Hyung! Let's have lunch together, you and me." He cheerfully said. "It's been long time we having a date."

"Alright," I replied. "I am on the way to our dorm. Let's discuss the place."

"No, no, Hyung. I am at Yugyeom's place. I'll text you the restaurant name and see you there."

Then I said ok and hang up.

What if Jungkook want some explanation?

What if he is mad?

What if he knows my feeling over Tzuyu?

I stroked my hair frustatedly.

My feeling?

I hesitatedly touched my chest, a place of my beating heart. She was literally on my chest all night. How could this beating just stop while it is what I have been dreaming of since 2 years ago?


Jin hyung tapped on my shoulder when I was entering the dorm.

"We need to talk."

He led me to his room and lock the door.

I sat up on his bed. He still standing lean on to his room's door. Arms were crossed.

"Tae seriously, how could you let that happened?"

I can see from his voice Jin was scolding me.

"What?" I pretend to be clueless.

"You sleeping with Tzuyu happened, of course. That's what I am talking about."

In this level, Jin looks like a Mom.

"That was an accident, Hyung. I drank too much alcohol last night," I stroked the backside of my hair.

"You know Jungkook loves her, right?"

Now is coming the highlight of this confrontation. I looked up to Jin, took a deep breath, seeing that concerns were all over his face.

"You don't say you love her too, right? Tae?"

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