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Taehyung POV

Seoul at night is always pretty.

Me and Tzuyu sat on the balcony of my apartment, enjoying the city view over Hangang river at night. Building lights were shimmering like glitters, the sky was really clear in which I could see some stars were on their tracks, shinning bright in front of our eyes.

The weather was a bit windy, so we brought the hot tea from my parents to the place and covered ourselves in a blanket, Tzuyu was literally hugged me from aside and her head was placed on my chests.

And I put my arms on her waists, my chin was resting on the top of her head.

"Omma called. She was worrying about your flu," I told her.

We chuckled a bit, remembering the time we visited my parents in Daegu after the incident, a week ago. Tzuyu caught a cold and my mum just treated her during the stay like treating her own daughter who got sick.

She just cooked every dish that favorited by Tzuyu. She even asked Tzuyu slept with her until her condition was getting better.

Meaning I did not even spend a night with Tzuyu, because Mum slept with her.

Mum always wants a daughter.

"Did you tell her that I am fine?" Tzuyu replied, looked up to see my eyes. "I don't want her to get worried about me."

I tigthened my hug on her petite body. She seemed like drowning inside my embrace.

"Glad we visited my parents. They seemed like you and I don't have to face any obstacle more to date you," I joked. "Been a lot enough people tried to separate us. But look at us, we're here. Safe and sound."

"Yeah, safe and sound," she repeated.

We just stayed silent for few minutes, enjoying the city view in front of us. Being with her is always give me a warm feeling.

"Tzu, I need to tell you that I am poor now," I broke the silence.

I have told her the story in which I handed over all my assets to Bighit, for them to pay some cancelled projects' penalties. It should be enough.

But I am not 100% sure that Bang PD would use my money to pay the penalty because this morning manager hyung called me that Bang PD would give those back to me.

"All I have is only this apartment that I would gladly share with you, if you want."

Tzuyu looked up again into my eyes. Her eyes a bit widened in shock to this sudden offering. But she smiled happily.

"Of course I want," she clinged her arms around my neck and peck my lips. Then I cupped her checks and gave her a heated kiss.

After few seconds we released our lips to gasp the air.

"I know you need to stay in your dorm during the weekdays. But on weekend, we can spend our time here, you know," my suggestion made her smiling widely.

We then again stargazing, while thinking on how nice that we could live together in this apartment, until Tzuyu broke the silence.

"Anyway, Sunbae.... Now that Twice and JYP have stated that they support our relationship in public, I am still curious about BTS and Bighit...," Tzuyu bit her lips, seemed hesitant to ask me this.

I stroked the top of her hair gently.

"They need time I guess. But last day in Daegu Jungkook and Jin video-called me. So, I guess we're fine..."

The one that I don't know is Bang PD. When I visited him at hospital he said that he needs time to forgive me.

But now with the codition is almost go back to normal after my video and my moment in airport with Tzuyu, I think not long Bang PD would contact me.

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