Chapter 19: Revelation

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Jimin POV

"The heck, Jungkook, wait."

I chased after him, we were now out of the club, at the edge of a dock, right beside the sea. I could see Jungkook was losing his balance when walking.

"Leave me alone, Park Jimin," he scoffed, by just walking fast, away from the club.

"You gonna regret this tomorrow morning. You always forget everything happened when you're drunk," I said while chasing him, pulled out his arms, in which he pushed me away.

"No, I am not drunk. Let me go."

He then sat at the corner of the dock, facing the sea view in front of him. I positioned myself to be beside him.

I could see he leaned his body to the wooden fence of this dock, a tear fell from his eyes, while looking at sea.

"I didn't know why I could fall this deep to a girl. She's just an ordinary girl. I am Jeon Jungkook. Everyone wants me," he started blabbering.

"Hey," I put my hand on his shoulder.

He pushed me away. "Fuck off, Park Jimin. Did you know this and did not tell me?"

I looked away to the sea, following him.

"I am sorry, Jungkook-ah. I really do," I told him. "Taehyung loves her since two years ago, same like you. He just backed off when he realized your feeling."

Jungkook widened his eyes, looked hurt. He seemed could not believe of what I am saying. I took a deep breath.

"When he got this WGM project, he felt guilty towards you. That's why he tried to set you up in a date with her," I now leaned back to the wooden fence beside me.

"I am sorry Jungkook-ah. On behalf Taehyung, too. We never wanted to hurt you. We just wanted you to be happy with Tzuyu by hiding this..."

Jungkook started to sob. I know he would have mixed feeling hearing this.

"But, Taehyung could not hide his feelings too, because in his deep heart, he still truly loves her. I know he is hurted, too," I put my hand again in Jungkook's shoulder, tapped it gently. This time, he didn't push me away. Instead, his shoulders started to trembling.

Noone POV

When they got back to Seoul, the first thing they saw was the viral video of Jungkook swore to Taehyung in a club in Jeju.

The news spread fast, with a lot of added assumptions from netizens.

"Taehyung-ah! Taehyung-ah!" Namjoon was in rush entering the dorm, tried to find Taehyung.

"He left," Jimin's head appeared from the back of his room door. "He said he wanted to visit his parents in Daegu."

"What?!" Namjoon looked shock. "At this time?"

Jimin just nodded.

"Where is Jungkook, then?" Namjoon asked Jimin. He actually knows that the only one place Jungkook buried himself was in his studio. He even slept there since they came back from Jeju, ignored everyone in the dorm, avoiding Taehyung, in which Taehyung also felt uncomfortable after the confrontation at Jeju and now he just left to Daegu to calm his mind.

Jimin just pointed out Jungkook's studio with his chin, "Haven't eaten and talked for two days," he added.

Namjoon stepped his feet to Jungkook's studio and knocked on the door.

"Kook, this is Joon. Open the door."

After several attempts, finally the man who called Kook opened the door. His hair was really messy and dark circle was around his eyes.

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