Chapter 11: Intimate

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Noone POV

Taehyung gathered his energy to push Irene back just before she touched his lips. And he succeeded.

Irene widened her eyes, felt embarassed. Her cheeks were getting more reddened and Taehyung could smell strong alcohol from her.

"You're drunk, Irene," he stood up to fix his clothes, now just wearing shirt and trousers, because his hoodie was covering Irene's body with the blanket. "I am leaving."

He then called Yeri again to inform that he was leaving Irene alone in the hotel room.

Tae does not know where to go where obviously Jungkook and Tzuyu will still be in BTS dorm, he just does not want to be the third wheel in this kind of situation.

Then suddenly a place popped out his mind. The apartment he shared with Tzuyu in We Got Married. All he just need to remember is the passcode. And it is Tzuyu's birthday that he knows very well.

He then headed to the apartment building, going up to 10th floor, and entered the passcode to access the apartment.

He cleaned himself and threw his body into the bed.

Taehyung woke up at 9 AM the next day.

"Shit," he swearing. "My phone is off. I could not call Jin hyung. He must be freaking out like hell knowing I did not going home."

He talked to himself, blaming himself who was so reckless last night.

Then he washed his face, rushing out going back to their dorm. In which all of his hyungs were waiting for him.....

The atmosphere was weird when Tae stepped his feet in to the dorm.

Everyone gathered in the living room, except Jungkook. Jin was standing, armed crossed, the eyes were glaring to Taehyung when he approached them. Namjoon massaged his forehead, seemed frustated. The others were also there, staring him nervously.

Taehyung gestured "what?" to Jimin in which he replied by just shrugging his shoulders.

"Sit, Tae," Jin, acted like a mum as he used to be, started. "Have you seen this?"

Tae did not sit. Instead, he leaned closer to Jin as Jin handed Taehyung his phone. Tae just automatically read the first article that came out first in his phone screen.

His eyes were widened out in shock seeing only the title of the article, with a picture of him holding Irene bridal style entering taxi, then checked in to a hotel. All were without wearing masks.

BTS' V and Red Velvet's Irene Sex Scandal

"I'm what?!"

Still looked disgusted to the article title, he did not dare to scroll the contents and even the netizen comments. He just handed over the phone to Jin when it rang.

Bang Shihyuk's calling.

Jin put in in the loudspeaker mode.

"What the hell, Taehyung-ah!!!" he yelled out.

Taehyung messed up his hair frustatedly. All the hyungs looking at him waiting his explanation...

"I did not do anything," he explained. "I was helping Irene.... who was drunk and I did not know Red Velvet's dorm.. so..." Tae discontinued. He was struggling in between telling the truth and even he does not know where to start to explain.

"How to clear this situation, then? Namjoon, you take the responsibility!" Bang Shihyuk still mad, not even lowering his tone when talking.

"I am handling it here, with the press conference. You guys take care of yourself there. If some reporters come, just tell them to wait for the official statement."

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