Chapter 25

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We are like half way to 3k! Yay! Still looking for those 100 votes....

Here's another chapter!


Annie POV

I rang the bell. 4462 Cherry Oak lane. It was a nice cottage. Almost as nice as my house in the old victors village.

The door opened. A couple stood before me. Katniss and Peeta. They were both only a few years younger than me. Finn stood behind me. He was only 3. Wow it had been 3 years since his fathers death and the revolution.

"Annie its so nice to see you" said Katniss. She looked pregnant but i did not want to say anything and be wrong. That would be rude.

"Its so nice to see you to Katniss. And Peeta of course." I said smiling

I reached out and hugged Katniss then Peeta.

"Come in. Come in." Said Peeta "No since in keeping the kids out in the cold."


"Oh um... yes. While there's Finn...and well....katnissispregnant."


"I said that there's Finn and-"

"Yeah but what did you say after that."

Peeta looked at Katniss and smiled. He reached over and put his hand on her stomach.

"Katniss.....Is.....PREGNANT!" He squeled like a little girl. I could not help but laugh.

"Well then congratulations are in place."

"Yes yes... but first lets come inside" Katniss said

I smiled at her. "Of course."

They both steped back. The door opened wide. Then Finn and I walked inside.


Peeta POV

"Go on Finn go on over to aunty Katniss." Annie said.

I walked into the kitchen. I could here the ladies mingling in the other room. Katniss was so happy. I smiled. Good this we can here.

I herd a knock at the door. The to women didn't seen to here it. I walked over to the door.

"Hello?" I said opening the door. A young man stood there.

"Um yes....hello. Are Mr. Mellark?"

"Yes whose asking?"

"I am a representative for the capital. Please turn on our TV to chanel 7 and pay attention."

I looked behind me at the TV. But when I looked back he was gone.


No answer


Still no answer

I walked back in side. Finn was asleep on his mother. Katniss could see the confusion on my face.

"Honey what's wrong"

I didn't answer just walked over and turned TV to chanel 7. In big bold letters at the bottom of the screen it said:



Woah cliff hanger!!!! Love you all. <3


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