Chapter 13

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Peeta POV

"Wha...." I manage to say before I hit the ground.

Gale killed my baby and Katniss. How? How could someone be so crule?


Gale POV

I see Peeta fall to the floor. Great. I reach down and check his pulse he is still breathing.

I go over a check on Katniss. She is breathing again. I had ordered meds earlier and the should be here now so I walk down there stairs.

When I open the frount door the meds are not there yet so I close the door and look around. This I the first time i had ever looked around there house. It was nice.

Just then I here something outside. I open the door. This time the meds are here.


Gale POV

I look down at Katniss as I put the meds in her arm. I look at her soft face damaged by the games.

I put Peeta in a chair so he would not be on the floor. I went back down the stairs and gathered up my things. It was time to leave I could not cause them any more pain.

"Goodbye Catnip...." I wispered as I left never to return.

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