Ch 7: Welcome Back Potts

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Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! ENJOY! -C

~Ace's POV~

I stroked Starla's hair as Katie left the room. Even though, Starla was injured bad, she still looked as beautiful as ever.

"A-Ace. I-I feel t-tired."

I nodded, "that's a side effect from Katie's magic."

I was fighting an urge to kiss her, but I couldn't help it. I leaned down, her soft lips touching mine, it felt so good. We kissed for like 20 seconds before releasing, her eyes wide in shock.

"I love you Starla." I told her.

"I-I love you too...A-Ace."

We kissed again for a while, before I left. Her eyes slowly closed hiding her icy blue eyes.

When I got downstairs, confetti was all over the floor and a big welcome back sign decorated the hotel door.

"THIS IS A HOTEL NOT A PARTY PLACE!" I yelled at them, we had guests here.

Jill came up and apologized while the other girls ignored me.

Although I was mad, I was also happy that they were throwing a party for Starla. 3 girls came down from their room to the "party place."

The girl in the middle had Cherry red hair and the other two had dirty blonde hair. "Wicked party." One of the girls with dirty blonde hair said, she widely grinned, "I'm Rhonda and these 2 are my friends Mia and Cherry."

Katie and Arin gasped.

"Do you know them?" I asked using telepathy, Arin and Katie nodded, "they were my ex-best friends." Katie said using telepathy.

My eyes widened in shock. E-Ex best friends? I stared at the 3 girls, the red head was looking at Katie weirdly.

"Thank you Rhonda, it's a welcome back party for my love Starla. Katie and the other girls planned it out." I said breaking the moment, but I only made it worse, I had said Katie.

"Wait wait wait. Katie. Do you mean Katie Rosen?" Cherry asked.

Katie was the one to respond. "Yes. Got a problem with that." Katie harshly said.

"Calm down Katie." I told her.

She sighed in annoyance and calmed down.

"K-Katie...I-I'm so s-sorry!" Cherry said.

Katie shunned Cherry and excused herself from the party place.

"Wasn't Katie the girl we hated?" Mia asked.

Rhonda nodded. "Yea. She's such a pain in the ass following us around." Rhonda and Mia snickered.

My body boiled with hate, I was going to lunge at them, but the girls beat me to it.

"HOT SPOT WATER TYPHOON!" Ella yelled in fury.

Water splashed out everywhere drenching the girls in boiling water. Their eyes widened in shock.

Shit! They discovered our powers, "Girls!" I yelled using telepathy.

"Oh well they found out and look." I looked and Emma was using VINE CURL.

Vines circled around the girls covering everything. oh well, I used my power now.

"DEATH REAPER!" I said. The attack was flying at them until it disappeared.

I looked behind me and saw Katie.

She was so strong that she made my attack disappear by waving her hand. The girls ran out in horror. We all smirked besides Katie.

Katie stepped up and slapped me hard. Suddenly it was deathly quiet. Tears rolled down Katie's cheek.

"I knew you were mad, but...y-you were g-going to k-kill them." She said.

I looked down realizing she was right. I was so angry that I was going to kill them with my death reaper. Katie collapsed on the floor and started sobbing.

Nobody comforted her, she was just left alone.

~Starla's POV~

I woke up a few minutes ago thinking about Katie. She looked like my daughter Cassidy. Ace and I were forced to be married when I was 21. The marriage turned out to be a fake, but we bore a child before knowing. I still liked him, but we were afraid to tell each other because of that marriage. I missed Cassidy, she was kidnapped at age 6 by imposters. Rosen was her last name.

I was thinking this when I heard a big slap.

I rushed downstairs to see Katie crying on the floor and nobody comforting her. I ran down and hugged her. Everyone looked surprised to see me awake.

"shh. It's alright sweetie." I stroked her hair and she stopped crying. She dried her tears.

"Welcome back Starla." Katie said and everyone else yelled that to me too instantly lifting the mood.

We partied all night and at the end, everyone surprised me by yelling out welcome back another time.

Well everyone besides Ace, he was so drunk that he fell asleep on the table! I noticed I was getting tired too and I passed out on the floor.

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