Ch 15: Light Falls

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Hey, the book is almost coming to an end! I know this was a short book, but its only book 1, so yea -CatelinLa

~Katie's POV~
We started investigating today and believe me i am like really nervous. Jill said I should investigate this alley way, so here I am. I strolled down the alley looking like a resident. But in disguise I am a dragon. DUN DUN DUN. Actually, in reality, I am a bit skittish. I mean seriously an alley? Totes best place for a murder. Suddenly, I heard a rustle sound. I spun around and saw a man in a black cloak behind me. "Hello Katie." He said in his deep gruff voice that is somewhat familiar to me. "W-Who are you?" I asked. He chuckled real deep. He inched a step closer and that was when I noticed a dark cloud with poison underneath it engraved on his cloak. The sign of Storm and Crockus. 'Everyone. Dragons. I found him.' I said telepathically. Everyone replied happily. Everyone except Jill. She was sad that I did not use her thing. The man was inching closer every minute until someone yelled "Fire Claw!" And fire sprung out behind him and hit him on his back. Arin, Ella, Bella, Emma, and Jill were standing there. The man got back up and growled at them. "Death Wish." He said and a black orb went flying to them. Luckily, they jumped out of the way. "Woah. That guy uses the same magic as Ace." Bella proclaimed. My eyes widened, we were in a whole lot of trouble.
Dragon Beam" I yelled. And a beam of light came out of my hand headed straight for the person. He whispered something I could barely make out and my beam disappeared. Instead a death beam came flying at me, I quickly ducked and it missed me by an inch. "Careful Katie." Emma warned. I nodded and we continued fighting. "Water and Fire Combine: Series of beams!" Arin and Ella yelled at the same time. It hit the man and he grunted in pain. "Nice shot Arin. Ella." He whispered, but I heard it. How is it that he knows all of us? "Darkness and Doom combine! Hit the 6 Dragons!" He yelled. All of our eyes widened in fear and we all ran for our lives.
Ace showed me this attack, and it will try and attack you wherever you go. It follows you until it gives you one big hit that kills you. The only way to withstand it was to confuse it. But for some reason, this one was not becoming confused.
I ran and turned corners at the last second, but the spell knew exactly where I was going. I sighed in frustration as I was losing speed and the orb was gaining speed. I spotted Bella and the orb that used to be behind her was gone. She noticed me and yelled this dragon water spell, but the orb deflected it. Suddenly Bella disappeared and I was alone again. Was this my death?
I stopped in my tracks and the orb stopped too. I scanned it for a moment before it split into 2 and gulped me right up. Then I was gone.

~Ella's POV~
Everyone seems to be here. We all confused the orb and were fighting the person again, I suspect the person to be Ace. But it could not be. He knew and raised me since I was young. It is not Ace. "Water Claw!" I yelled. He slashed his hand in the claw and it disappeared. My eyes widened. He could make my claw disappear? How strong is he?
He suddenly froze in his tracks and nodded. Then he shouted, "Portal to S and C come!" A portal that looked like death appeared and he stepped through. I ran for the portal, but it disappeared at the last second and I slammed into the wall. Then I was out.
I woke up to sobbing and sniffles. All my teammates where beside me crying. But for what readon? "G-Guys...Whats g-going on?" I asked. Then I noticed an empty seat beside Jill. A piece of paper was taped to the seat and it said 'Where Katie will sit.' Katie was missing. She did not help us fight the person after the death orbs. She did not even come back. Was she dead? Tears sprung into my eyes and I cried with the rest of the team.
Jill then cleared her throat and looked up. Her eyes were red and puffy. "I-If it is true that K-Katie actually d-died...she is watching u-us up there...and s-she would not w-want us crying. So...lets stop. And defeat Storm and Crockus."

(AN: Somewhere in the train ride, Katie discussed Storm and Crockus to the team, so now they know.)

Everyone dried up their tears, including me. And we all held our heads high. Storm and Crockus are going to fall soon. And it is all for Katie.

~Storm's POV~
Where was Crockus? I was walking down the hall and I noticed a bright light at the end of the hall. I quickly walked up to the cell and saw a small girl sleeping on the couch. My #1 lieutenant was watching her inside. He noticed me and opened the door for me. "And who is this?" I asked. He looked at the girl for a second before responding. "This is, sir, Katie Rosen. The light of the dragon group. I captured her while fighting the gang. She is perfect for our machine." I nodded and exited the room. Such a shame, a pretty face with a bad ending. I walked away from the cell. She was going to be in a lot of pain.

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