Ch 10: SunShine. SunBright.

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Hey guys! Well the book's chappie milestone. Whoopie! Congrats to meh! Congrats to me! Read meh new book I made with my sista! -C

~Katie's POV~

I was ready for a new day, a nice journey to get things off my back. I had wondered which city we would be going to. I was afraid I would be journying to where Rachel and Peter stayed. Luckily. they said we would be journying to ToxTree Acres, the city opposite of Peter and Rachel's city. But, the name freaked me out. A twisted red test? ToxTree is known for toxic and venomous people. Toxtree had tons of troubles! Starla tells me that when she lived there monsters could be seen everywhere you walked and people called her their "star". I laughed at that.

"Katie, lets go." Jill told me. I nodded and we left for ToxTree.

~Nobody's POV~

"Why do we have to go on carriage? That freaking hog stinks." Emma grumbled at the hog in disgust."Stop complaining Emma!" Arin exclaimed. "Easy for you to say. You practically grew up in the wild."

~Bella's POV~

I plugged my ears as hard and firm as I could, yet I could still here Emma and Arin arguing. "You annoyed too?" Ella asked. I nodded my head. "Jill and Katie are so lucky, they get to sit in the back and chat privately." I exclaimed. "Why do they get to sit in the back?" Arin and Emma yelled. Ella and I shrugged. I looked out the window and before you could say OhMyGawdLookAtThatViewItsSoPrettyThereIsNoWayThatThatsToxTreeOrWhereverTheNextStopIs. I fell asleep.

Fog covered the sky. Thats pretty much all you can say about ToxTree. You could not see anything at all. I couldn't even see the ground I was walking on. "Jill? Katie? Ella? Emma? Arin?" I yelled panicking. Nobody responded. "Hello?" I tried yelling again. No response. The eery silence was broken by a large ear-peircing shriek that could have been heard miles away. "Katie!" I exclaimed. I ran through the fog hoping it would clear and soon I came to a sunny clearing. Katie was sprawled on the floor and blood was oozing out from her leg. "Gross!" I exclaimed. "Not nice." I heard someone mutter. I realized with surprise that Katie was still concious. "I know, I should be unconscious, but I just didn't fall asleep, I guess it's my healing powers. It's healing me slowly." Sure enough, Katie's wound started to close and the blood stopped oozing. "What happened?" I asked.

"Well, once we got out of the carriage, everything disappeared even the carriage,.I traveled a few before this black haired beast emerged from the fog and brought it's claw down on me. I was too slow to react, it scratched my ankle. That's where I got the wound. I did some spells and it exploded into dust. I screamed when the monster hurt me." Katie said. I nodded, 'Let's look for the others." Katie stood up and we walked into the fog. "My mother once told me if you sing this sunny lullaby sun will find you." I told Katie. Katie smiled and asked me to sing it.

My little sunshine~

My dear sunshine.

I will never harm you.

You are always mine~

Everybody is different, you don't have to be liiike them.

You are my sunshine.

My beautiful sunshine.

You make my heart sing.

SunShine! SunBright!

No one is brighter than youuuuu


No one will replace you.


No one is brighter than youuuuu

I finished the song and many claps were heard. Our team emerged from the fog with tears in their eyes. "Magnificent." Jill exclaimed. "Now where were you?" "I-I really don't know!" I said shaking in fear. Jill told me what happened on her side and I told her what happened on our side. As soon as we reunited, the fog cleared and we realized we were standing on an endless field of crops. "You damn warts! Get off mah farm!" A man yelled. Jill's eyes darkened and a sword appeared in the air. "I dare you to say that again." The man took his chances. "Man. This is one ugly beast." The sword came swinging at him and it poked his butt. "Ouch old lady." Katie gasped. "YOU KNOW WHAT. LEARN YOUR LESSON! HOLY LIGHT BEAM!" Katie screamed. The blast hit the man and he fainted. Jill patted Katie on the back thanking her and the dragon team trudged off through the fields looking for the red twist test.

(A:N They already passed Stage 1 which was seperation and Bella sang a light song which made the fog disappear)

I hope the trials weren't dangerous or hard, we needed to defeat the poison and wind people before they end the world.

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