Ch 11: My Worst Nightmare

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Hey minna! Another update yay, I've been really busy lately, so I might not have time to update. Gomene -C

~Ella's POV~
My forehead was beaded with sweat as I tossed and turned on the rock hard floor. Why did Jill decide to camp here of all places!? I could here the crickets crick and animals howl. I turned to my side and saw that Arin was sound asleep snoring softly. A small light flickered outside our tent and I heard a soft humming sound. The little light flickered and moved. I was curious. I got up and took a peek outside. My ear piercing shriek could be heard miles away.
Someone started snickering. I looked to the side of the tent and saw Bella holding a flashlight and making a hand shadow eagle, a recorder was next to her and it was making a bird sound, but it sounded like humming.

"That isn't an eagle sound." I told her, and she noticed I saw her.

She dropped the flashlight and it made a thud sound. "Ella?" Bella and I spun around and saw Arin rubbing her eyes.

"Did something happen? Why did you scream?" Arin started asking questions and it spun around my mind in circles.

Bella began whistling and lied to Arin.

"Oh well, she saw a snake on the floor and screamed, I heroically (idk if it's spelled correctly) saved her with my wind power." Bella boasted. "And I used the flashlight to see."

Arin nodded and practically flung herself on Bella. "Oh my god! Thanks so much for saving Ella. Though I wonder why she couldn't save herself." Arin said staring at me with shame.

I gasped and glared at Bella. She innocently smiled and hugged Arin harder, tears forming in her eyes.

"I-I don't know what I-I would've done if m-my best friend was killed b-by a menacing snake." Bella cried on Arin's shoulder and Arin comforted her. I glanced at Bella venom in my eyes and I saw her shudder a bit. Soon Arin and Bella let go and Arin went back to the tent. I tackled Bella and we started rolling down through the campsite waking everyone up.

Katie and Emma came out of one tent while Jill came out of the other. Jill was glaring at Bella and pouting at the same time. "I was sleeping with Bella to keep her outta control, but sleep got the best of me!" I heard Jill say.

My mouth widened. Seriously! I could have slept like 2 hours longer if Jill noticed that Bella was gone? A big punch in the gut made me go back to reality. I staggered back before realizing what just happened. Bella was revived from my kick and punched me while I was in a daze. I was going to get her back.

"Water Geyser!" I yelled. Water spewed from the ground and Bella was on top of one getting tons of water in her mouth.

"Ella get me-" I heard before she swallowed a whole bunch of water.

Now it was my turn to snicker. My snicker turned into giggling which turned into laughing. I started rolling on the floor and laughing. Tears sprung into my eyes as I watched Bella being flung geyser to geyser.

"Stop!" A voice yelled I turned and saw Jill with the gang drenched in water. I froze in terror and the geysers disappeared. Bella fell right into Jill's hand. (Jill was holding out her hand waiting for Bella and when Bella fell, Jill caught the collar of her shirt) Jill marched to me and dropped Bella beside me. Bella opened her eyes and saw Jill standing before us, she shuddered in fear and we both lay there waiting for the awful punishment. Nothing came. I opened my eyes and nobody was there anymore.

"Where did everyone go?" Bella asked. I shrugged. If course those idiots, or Jill, would leave us here. How will we ever find them now?

I was stuck with this Air Head now. I couldn't believe Arin left me! "Oh hey! Bella, Arin didn't expect to see you out here." I whirled around and came face to face with Jayce Torrence, the number one heart throb of the God Clan.

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