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Before I warn y'all about anything, I want give a huge thank you to all who gives this book a read. Y'all are the real winners here.


WARNING!!! This is a first draft. These characters are older. I am writing as I go. I mean I have a plan and all that, but who knows if I'll keep to it lol. Sometimes the script I made bores me, and I make questionable decisions. Or at least my characters might.

I don't have a strict update schedule. I'm a busy person, so add this to your library and forget about it till I update. Or your archives or literally whatever you want. If you don't like that, I respect that. I get impatient, too.

When I update, the chapter will be long. Normally what I do is write everything down in a notebook first, and then edit as I transfer the story onto here. It's my personal method of madness.

My characters will probably make questionable decisions sometimes. I have a plan. Up to a certain point.

I am also like the sorting hat from Harry Potter. I will take your opinion into account. I am a people pleaser. If I'm stuck, sometimes what I do is have a poll to see what y'all like or what y'all wanna see. And that might happen. A lot.

I love CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If you think something could be worded better or edited or if there's literally anything you want me to take a look at,  I will with a smile on my face as long as you aren't mean about it. I LOVE when people comment on my works. It shows me how engaged you all are and what you're thinking about the story and the plotline. Don't be afraid to comment! I read each and every one of them, no kidding.

Also. I know a lot of people like to imagine the characters as actors and actresses. I don't really have anyone in mind for my characters, but I'm open to suggestions. However, if someone suggests some basic Wattpad actor, like Franciso Lachowshi as Colt or Barbara Palvin as Josie May, no offense, but I'll turn you down.

Also, please don't promote your stories in the comment section. It's unbelievably rude and inconsiderate. If you want to promote it, pm me, and I'll take a look at it. I had a story up here maybe a year ago and the comment section was FULL of them. It's annoying. Stop. Thanks :D

I think that should cover it for now.

If you read this whole thing, comment your favorite color!! Mine is the seriously dark blue that the nighttime sky sometimes is. Meh, I don't care how cheesy it is lol.

Please enjoy, and if you love it, tap the little star-shaped vote button.

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