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Happy reading!! The story is not in 3rd person. Just this part


"Josie May! You get back here right now!" Colt laughs as he pushes his head around the tree trunk.

"Just because you use my middle name doesn't mean I have to listen to you!" Josie giggles. She was playing with her best friend in the entire world, Colt, and couldn't be happier.

"Yes it does! You listen to your mama and daddy when they use it," he reasons, hollering while chasing after Josie around the tree trunk. Round and round they go. Josie peers around the trunk, and is caught by Colt. She laughs as she runs as fast as she can from him.

"Gotcha!" Josie shrieks as Colt tackles her to the ground. He moves so he's kneeling over her, with one leg on each side of her middle.

"Get off, Colt, or I'll tell on you to your mama!" Josie warns knowing that Colt is awful scared of his mother.

"Aw no fair, Josie May. You always tell on me," Colt whines, though making no move to get off of her.

"I'll do it! And only cause you call me Josie May."

"But Josie May is my name for you."

"Colt," Josie starts slowly, "that's my mama's and daddy's name for me." Josie hates being called that. It usually meant she was in big big trouble.

"Fine. I won't call you Josie May till we're married," Colt states like he's solved the problem.

"Married?" Josie gasps. "I'm not marrying you." She crosses her arms over her chest, still on the ground. "You're annoying and like to sit on me."

"I don't care. Mama says you marry your best friend. You're my best friend, aren't ya?"

"Go marry Tommy Turner."

"You're mean," he pouts. "I just want you to be with me for forever. You're my favorite." He sticks his bottom lip out and looks down, knowing it'll pull at Josie's heart.

"You're my favorite, too," she huffs indignantly, tightening her arms over her chest and glaring at the tree next to them.

"Yay! I knew it!" His eyes brighten, and he does a little dance, still on Josie's tummy. "Can we be married now?"

"We're six-years-old! That's grown-up stuff."

"Yeah, I know." Colt goes quiet for a minute, making Josie wonder what he's thinking about. Then, quietly, " Josie May?"

Josie looks up into his big hazel eyes.

"Yeah?" she whispers back.

"Can I kiss you?" Josie's eyes widen, and her mouth falls open a little bit, but she's too curious to disagree.

"Yeah." She lifts her head to meet Colt's. His head ducks down to her level, his eyes stitch shut. Josie's mouth and eyes close, waiting for what's to come.

Colt plants a kiss on her cheek for a small second before pulling away. They each open their eyes, grinning blissfully at each other.

"Can you get off me now?"

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