New Announcements!

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Hi guys! So remember a couple of chapters ago when I told you I had some things I was working on and to keep an eye out? Yeah well I couldn't contain myself any longer!

With the end of Like He Never Left only a chapter away, I am excited to announce that I officially have prequel plans! This will follow Josie's and Colt's beginnings with a unique twist. 

And without further adieu, I present to you Where She Was!

And without further adieu, I present to you Where She Was!

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Dear Grammy, 

Colt Michael Roberts. The high school superstar athlete with three first names (that I constantly tease him about); the guy ladies wish they had, the guy other boys wish they were. Arrogant and hot-headed to some, but big-hearted to others. Colt Michael Roberts. My best friend.

Through thick and thin, it was us against the world. Whatever life threw at us, whether it be curveballs like accidentally blowing up the high school parking lot (it was the Fourth of July, please stop harassing me about it!) or unfair fastballs like his mother's tragic death a few years ago, together, we could overcome it. Hell, I don't know why I'm telling you this. You've seen us. You know how we work.

Until we don't. Until there are too many drinks involved, too many choices to make with not enough time to think them through—which neither of us is very good at anyways—that mere 'I'm sorry's' can't fix. Until one prank to rile up his hot-head goes just a little too far, and soon we're both caught in a web of lies of our own spinning.

I don't know if we're going to come out of this one, Gram. If we do though, I know our whole relationship is going to change, for better or worse.


There's the synopsis! Because their main story is Like He Never Left and we (almost) know how it ends, Where She Was is going to be more like a short anthology of sorts for it. 

While working on it, I also made some aesthetics, which are in my opinion, way better than the ones I made for this book. Wanna see? Here ya go!



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