chapter 13

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I listened to a lot of Alessia Cara while writing this chapter lol, and I think it sort of shows a tiny smidge. Happy reading... maybe XD


It was almost as though Brooke knows I'm about to drop something big on her. Her side stares and quiet manner as we eat our sandwiches in silence certainly suggest it even though she doesn't say anything. 

I finish my meal quickly, and I watch Brooke as she continues eating. Leaning back in my chair, I watch her gaze flick up to mine before casting it down to her plate once more. There's a definite tension in the air, and I know that Brooke is aware of it. 

As soon as she finishes, she reaches over to grab my plate to dispose of it, but I stop her before she rises. 

"Let me," I tell her softly. 

"Okay," she agrees, handing her plate to me and avoiding my eye. I take it and walk over to the kitchen, prolonging our talk so that I can clear my head to think. 

Why is this so hard? I have to just come out and say it. 

By the time I'm done in the kitchen, Brooke has relocated to the living room. She's curled up on the sofa with a book in her hands, and I sit down next to her. 

"Hey," I begin. She lifts her eyes to mine as I gently take the book out of her hands and set it down next to me. I grab her hands and wrap mine around them, trying to find the words to start this necessary evil of a conversation. 

"If you're going to do, just go on and say it," she mumbles, pulling her hands out of my grasp to cover her face.

I raise my eyebrows and open her mouth to ask what the hell she's talking about.

Does she know? How the hell would she know about—

Calm down, Colt. 

"What do you mean? Say what?" I ask quizzically. 

"You've been too quiet this whole time. I know something's wrong, Cole. I know you're going to break up with me," she breathes. 

I can't help it. I start laughing in relief at her words. I lean forward and rest my head on her knees. 

"Why are you laughing? Cole!" she shouts frantically. 

"Because you couldn't be more wrong. I'm not breaking up with you," I tell her, clutching my stomach.

"Thank Jesus," she breathes, closing her eyes. 

"But there is something I have to discuss with you," I start.

"Then what the hell, Cole?" Her eyes light with frustrated fire as she silently tells me to get on with it.

"I know, I know." I sigh and look up at her, praying she won't leave me after this. 

"What's wrong? You can tell me, Cole. Anything. We'll work through it," she coaxes. 

I squeeze my eyes shut. I don't deserve her. 

I open my eyes. "Just promise you'll listen through to the end."

She nods, and I breathe before beginning. 

"Remember when I showed you that picture of my friends and showed you who they were?"

"Of course."

"Remember Josie?"

"The one who married the asshole?"

I wince. "Yeah. Well, she and that asshole were best friends since forever. They did everything together. His name was Colt."

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