Chapter 6: Bone to Pick

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Hey y'all. Do you guys like having longer chapters with longer update periods? Or do you want shorter chapters but quicker update periods? A couple people have pm'ed me asking to do shorter chapters but update quicker. Just thought I'd throw that out there.


Happy reading!


I wasn't at the festival much longer after I found Wes, Bobby, and Tommy. I couldn't find it in me to be happy when I was literally a seventh wheel. They were all surrounded by who they loved, and who loved them back. Call me selfish, but I couldn't be around it any longer, so I left with a sorry excuse of being tired.

I got into the Escape and closed the door behind me, feeling empty yet restless. 

I don't know where it came from, but a sudden buildup of energy and anxiety has me feeling claustrophobic in the small car. I slammed my hand down on the wheel and sighed heavily.

"Dammit," I hiss. I run my hands through my hair. 

Seriously though. What did I really expect out of this? For us to be sunshine and rainbows and be friends to some degree? I think not. 

I take in a breath and flip on the radio, tuning it to a local radio station. Some new country song that I didn't know was playing, but it was enough to distract me.

 I drive home, to my dad's house, humming along to the song. I pass by the cemetery, and out of the corner of my eye, I can see the two gravestones with mini American flags next to them. 

I check my rear-view mirror, making sure no one's right behind me and slam on my brakes. I put the Escape in reverse and proceed to pull into the cemetery. I drive as close as I can to their graves and park. I rub my clammy, sweaty hands on my thighs before leaving the car. 

I keep my eyes on the graves the entire time, and I make sure not to step on anybody on my way there. The closer I get, the slower I realize I'm walking. My stomach kicks around, full of butterflies. 

The closest grave is Wes's father. 

Elijah Lynch

U.S. Army, 2nd Lieutenant

Purple Heart

Loving Father, Loyal Friend, Fierce Lover

I rifle through my wallet, getting out a quarter. I kiss it before setting it on top of his marker. 

I breathe out a ragged sigh, not ready for the next one. Oh God.

Jonathon Crawford

U.S. Army, 2nd Lieutenant

Purple Heart

Devoted Husband and Father, Loyal Friend

Oh God.

I can't.

I turn to walk away and take the first step, but there's a strong breeze pushing me in the other direction. Goosebumps pop out of my skin, and I feel a tingling sensation in my gut. I look up to the sky, at the billions of stars in the beautiful clear sky, and turn around.

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