The End

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Hey guys! This chapter is going to be Josie's POV, but we're backtracking to the last chapter to tie up some loose ends. This is officially the last chapter of Like He Never Left! I'm sorry it took me forever to update!


Josie's POV

I sit on the floor, my back against the mattress of my bed, in my house. My phone lays screen-up in front of me with one particular number already punched in. All I have to do is press that mockingly green 'call' button. Green means go. I don't know if I'm ready to go ahead and do this though.

A wet nose pushes itself deep into my neck, and I turn my head to see Jake's fluffy head. He's taken up perch behind me on the bed. 

"I know, buddy. I've just gotta do it." I scratch his head with one hand and push that green button with my other. I press the phone to my ear, waiting for the rings to turn into a voice. 


"Hi, James." His deep voice grows the pit in my stomach, and I look at Jake, wishing he could talk and tell me it'll be fine. 

It'll be all okay, Jojo.

"It's good to hear your voice again. I've tried calling you, but you never answered."

My stomach squeezes in shame"Yeah." I cringe. "I know. I just didn't know what to say."

The line is quiet for a beat too long, and I know this conversation is about to take an unwanted but necessary turn.

"This isn't what I think it is, is it? You're not about to break up with me over the phone, are you?" The softness of his voice kills me. He asks it so tenderly like he can't believe it until he hears it. 

"I hope not, but I need you to tell me something, James, and I need you to be honest with me, okay?"


I adjust myself on the floor, bringing my knees up to my chin. "Can you promise me moving to Beijing is going to be the last time?" I already know the answer, but I need him to say it.

"...No. No I can't do that."

 That's what I thought. 

I sigh and then nod, almost in acceptance. 

"That's not what you wanted to hear. Is it?" he asks me, even though we both know the answer.

I shake my head. "No. It's not, but thank you for being honest with me."

"Jo? I'm so sorry."

I catch myself smiling softly, because I know he means it. I know he wanted us to be together and have a life with each other. And for a time, I did too. Just not this life. Not the kind where I never know when the house I move my family into is going to be the last. 

"Me too, James."

"So... Is that it then?"

"It is, James." I should feel worse about this than I do. But I can't feel bad for sacrificing my own wants and needs for a guy who wants to live a lifestyle the complete opposite of mine.

"Oh, God," I hear him mutter quietly. 

"Hey, don't feel bad. It's okay. Maybe you'll find a French supermodel who wants to travel the world with you. Ooh la la," I say, referencing our first conversation in the bar. 

"Oh, God," he says louder, sniffling through a chuckle. "Please don't."

Jake's soft fur glides between my fingers. "I have to."

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