chapter 28

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I had called Tommy, who had called Josie to come to get me, as Brooke had undoubtedly taken the rental. Currently, we were on a silent trip to my father's house after she helped me pack my shit up and toss it in the bed of the truck. 

She didn't ask me what happened, didn't prod or poke me for anything after making sure that I was somewhat okay, and I was grateful for it.

"Hungry?" she asks as we approach Clint's.

I shake my head, becoming queazy at just the thought of food.

She doesn't say anything in response, just drives right by until we reach Travis's place, though the look of concern on her face morphs into one of worry. 

I keep running my conversation with Brooke over and over in my head, unable to believe that she's capable of doing such horrible things. I guess it makes sense now as to why she was so reluctant to ever speak about her family with me, I think sarcastically. 

The thing is, I wouldn't have known any better either. It would have happened all right under my nose and I'd be none the wiser. How messed up is that?

I don't realize that we've reached my dad's house until Josie taps my knee, and I blink back into reality. She sends me a questioning glance with furrowed brows, and I nod. 

We get out of the truck, and though I didn't ask her to, she helps me with my bags and Johnny and getting them into the house. Dad holds the door open for us, and I'm so embarrassed and humiliated that it's hard to even look him in the eye. When I do though, where there would normally be a trace of ridicule or amusement, there's sympathy, fatherly concern, and that makes my stomach sink even more. 

I see him glance to Josie in silent askance in my peripheral view, though I don't see Josie's response. I don't think I'd want to anyway. I don't want sympathy or pity. I don't want to be reminded of Brooke's betrayal or the fact that she might have purposefully hurt Johnny. 

Jesus. Johnny. The straw that broke the camel's back. I was this close to trying to get back together with her, but knowing that she did something to my dog, fuck that.

I watch my dog as he takes in my dad's house, and it's like nothing ever happened in the first place as he follows us upstairs to my bedroom.

"You're going to be okay?" Josie questions hesitantly, locking her ice blue eyes onto mine.

"I'll be fine, Josie. I promise," I say tiredly, and I'm really not lying. 

I can't say that I'm sad our relationship ended. I mean, as Josie pointed out earlier, it wasn't real love, and it was so artificial and forced that it hurt, completely based on lies and betrayal. If anything, it's a good thing it's over now. It doesn't make Brooke's actions and betrayal hurt any less though, especially with how close we were to getting married. I never would have dreamed she'd be capable of doing something like this. She played her part perfectly, I guess. 

"Well, we're here if you need us. I'm here," she emphasizes, and I nod. 

I appreciate the offer, and I know she means it in a strictly platonic sense, but I won't be taking advantage of it. I can't do that to James, Josie, or myself. 

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

She steps closer and wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tightly. Wrapping my arms around her slowly, I let myself melt into her like I used to. I breathe in her peachy scent, letting it comfort me. When she grips me tighter, letting me know it's okay, I break down. 

I grasp her jacket in my hands, clinging to her pitifully, and she rubs my back soothingly.

"It's okay, Colt," she murmurs. We rock back and forth as I try to regain my composure, and she whispers soothing words in my ear. 

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