chapter 19

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Above is some small-town aesthetic. I'm supposed to be sleeping before I go in for the night shift, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I wanted to do with this chapter.

Happy reading!


I really, really, really didn't think that this would be happening today. I really, really, really hoped it wouldn't. Life has a way of fucking you over though, so I really shouldn't be all that fucking surprised, should I?

Let's backtrack, shall we? I think that'd help a bit. 

After I shared my story about my mother and I, Brooke had sworn "to never be so selfish again," and even though it didn't mean anything to me because she wasn't even selfish in the first place, but I digress. 

We had left the car after she gathered her composure. She got Johnny and went inside to check in while I got our bags. I hate making more than two trips, but with the way Brooke packs, I had to come back for at least a third time, but I waited to make my second and third trip until we got to our room. 

I went in the B-and-B to see Brooke chatting away with the older man behind the desk. Her eyes were much brighter than from when we were in the car, and I was grateful for it. I love her all the time, but it makes me feel better when she's on the happier side of life.

I got her attention discreetly, and she excused herself from the gentleman and had bounced over to me. 

"Oh my gosh, he was so nice! And his accent was so cute!" she gushed, and I couldn't help feeling like I was in the presence of an eight-year-old. It's cute how excited she gets when she's introduced to something new. My heart lifted when I realized we had moved on and had hopefully forgotten about the conversation that had taken place beforehand, and my lips quirked up in a smile.

"That's the south for ya," I mused.

"Our room is on the second floor. C'mon, pack mule. Leggo," she had directed, waving me along with a swing of her arm, and I followed like a puppy behind her. I brought the other bags up, making that stupid third trip, and closed the door behind me.

"Let's get unpacked and then get something to eat," I suggested. My nerves always strengthened my hunger, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I eat my feelings. We had just checked in, and of course, Johnny was an instant hit among the few people there. 

"That sounds good. What's around here?"

There was no way I was taking her to Clint's because I didn't know SueEllen's work schedule and I wasn't taking any chances with accidental run-ins. 

"There's a 50's-themed diner right down the street, and their food is phenomenal. There's also a McDonald's and another sit-down joint around the corner as equally amazing." Johnny had already made himself at home on the bed, so I was careful to avoid him as I tossed one of her suitcases and one of mine on the queen bed, unzipping mine so I could unpack. 

"You pick. You know the food better than I do." She unzips the top of the bag, pushing it off with more force than she needed. "I'm down for anything."

"How about the small diner around the corner," I decide, hanging up some clothes. 

"Sounds like a plan, Stan."

I laugh at her and shove some pants in the dresser. 

We had left Johnny at the kennel so he could play with the other dogs while we were gone, and we drove to the diner, Dine Rite.

"You're right," she moans through a mouth full of burger, "this is delicious. Damn."

I hum in agreement.

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