chapter 12

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Hey guys, so I couldn't for the life of me remember the name of Colt's divorce attorney friend (I think it was Amanda), even after perusing the entire book for it. So her name is now Amanda something, so yeah. If you know or find it, feel free to let me know so I can make it cohesive.

Happy reading!


I peel off a piece of pepperoni and toss it to Johnny, who instantly opens his jaws to catch the meat in midair. 

After my conversation with Josie's step-father and mother, I had called Johnny to me—much to the disappointment of the kids playing with him, including Josie —and left the park. We currently were stopped outside a pizza place and eating our lunch on the outside eating space. 

I know I told Brooke that we'd have lunch together, but the conversation I had just handled made me irritated, and one thing that hasn't and never will change is that I eat when I'm stressed. 

Yeah, I eat my emotions. 

Knowing that I'm having lunch with Brooke, I only ordered two slices of pizza, so I know I'll be hungry by the time I pick her up. Besides, because I can't help but eat when I'm stressed, I know I'll have 10 times the appetite when I'm telling Brooke that I'm in the middle of having a divorce processed. 

Sounds great, right?

I finish up my last slice of pizza after tossing Johnny the crust of it, and we make our way back to the apartment. On the walk back, I have to decide what to do with the two hours I have to spare before getting my girlfriend. 

I guess I could head up to the office, see how said divorce is going. 

A half-hour later, and that's exactly where I am. 

I walk up to my friend's receptionist and ask if she's busy. 

"She's in with an 11 o'clock appointment, but they should be finishing up soon, Mr. Roberts. After her appointment, she's going for lunch, but I'm sure she'd be happy to meet with you. Would you like me to tell her you're here?" Jamie, her secretary, answers. 

"No, thank you much, though. I'll just wait out here for her, thanks," I tell him, smiling kindly. 

He opens his mouth to say something, but the phone rings, cutting him off. He returns the smile and answers the phone, ending our conversation. 

I take a seat in one of the plush leather chairs and cross my ankle over my knee, setting back in the chair. 

A couple of minutes later, Amanda comes out with her client, bidding him farewell. 

"—any custody issues, okay?" she says warmly. "Call me if you have any more questions."

"Thank you, Amanda," the man says, touching her on the shoulder. He turns and leaves, passing me quietly. 

Amanda cocks her hip and crosses her arms after seeing me. She rolls her eyes and invites me into her office. She takes a seat in her chair, and I fold into one of the chairs she has set out for her clients. 

"Whatcha need? The divorce is—"

"I actually came to talk to you about something else," I interrupt, not wanting to talk about the divorce quite yet. 

Amanda's brows shoot up, and she leans forward in her chair. She rests her elbows on the oak desk and folds her hands. 

"Like what?"

I tell her about the little girl Josie and what I know from our brief conversation. 

"You'd never even met the girl before and she tells you all of this?"

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