chapter 20

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My stomach hurts. 

This chapter is only a little less than 2300 words long, but with the way the chapter ends, I needed to split it up. I'm sorry. It didn't feel right to keep going, and the next chapter will be longer and will be up tomorrow, I swear.

There is going to be an author's note at the bottom that I'd like y'all to pay special attention to. If you care, I'd appreciate feedback, if not, don't, it's cool lol. 


I tried to keep my mind off of Saturday's meeting as best I could. I have given Brooke a proper tour of Oak Bend, and I have even taken her to Soda Pop and Clint's. People gave us weird looks while we sat and ate at both places, obviously already knowing who I am, and by extension, knowing who Brooke is and what was going down (thanks, Dad), but Brooke didn't seem to notice the gossiping whispers so I didn't mention it. 

I'd also been working my ass off the past couple days, trying to keep up with my cases and faxing documents where they needed to go. Thank God that Martha's has a fax machine, or I would have probably cried. Yesterday, I was on the phone for practically the whole day with Nick trying to help him understand that I'm on a vacation. And I use that term very, very loosely.

It's been four days since we've been here, and today is finally the night she meets my whole family. And yes, Josie too. It's Carrie Ann's daughter's birthday party tonight, and everyone was going to be there with their kids as well. I honestly think Brooke was more excited to meet the children than she was their parents, not that I could fault her for it.

I'm also secretly hoping that Beau and James aren't going to be there, or it's going to be a very long and stressful night.

We had bought Lizzie's presents before we left on Friday, a light blue beanbag with navy hearts on it and a butterfly garden, with pre-approval from Carrie Ann. Brooke had made it her mission to come up with the ideas for them, and I only paid for them.

Brooke was finishing the final touches on wrapping the presents, and I clipped Johnny's leash on his collar. 

"Are you ready to go?" she asked me, gathering the presents in her arms. 

I hid my shock at her question—I'd been the one asking that while we were down here—and nodded. 

"Feeling good?"

"Yeah. Travis will be there, and we really hit it off on Saturday. I figure if something goes bad, I can just stick with you and him for the day."

I shrug and bob my head in agreement, glad she's taking charge instead of shrinking into her shell.

Fifteen minutes later, and I'm putting the car in park on the street, two cars down from Josie's truck.

I definitely didn't look for James's stupid Ram, and I most certainly wasn't satisfied when I didn't see it. Definitely not. 

I grab Johnny's leash and the bean bag box from Brooke while she takes the smaller butterfly garden in.

"You're going to be fine," I reassure.

"Rodger that," she affirms, and I smile at her. We walk up to the door, and I can hear the kids screaming before I can see them. "I still can't believe you guys just walk into each other's houses like that," she mutters as we walk through the door.

Everybody's already all here, and I can hear Disney songs pumping through speakers and kids screaming over the loud music. There's so much energy in this house that it makes it hard for anybody to really notice us at first while we're in the foyer, but I make immediate eye contact with SueEllen and her eyes widen. I go to step towards her and to greet my friends, but she shakes her head and hops off the couch, dodging hyper kids as she makes her way over to me. 

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