chapter 18

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Hey guys! I hope you all are keeping healthy and safe with everything going on. Just wash your hands and remember that even though you think you'll be fine, it doesn't mean you aren't able to spread it to others who are more susceptible to it. So please, just be safe.

Happy reading!


"You're sure everything is going to be okay with the two of them?" Amanda asks as I pack my suitcase. 

Even though she can't see me, I roll my eyes at her question. 

"I have no idea, Amanda," I sigh, trying not to let my frustration at her incessant questions show, "but their meeting is sort of inevitable. I went over it with Josie a few days ago, and she's more than assured me she's okay with this. I wouldn't let Brooke go through with this if Josie wasn't comfortable with this." I fold up some jeans and tuck them in the corner of my suitcase.

"Lighten up, Colt. You're giving me a headache."

I shrug distractedly, even though she can't see me, as I pick up a sweatshirt and fold it into my case. "Yeah, yeah."

"So when do you leave?" 

"In two days. Friday."

"What are you doing about work?"

"I've contacted my clients and gave them my personal number if they need to reach me, and I'm bringing anything I need to work on with me." I glance at my briefcase. I'll have to make sure I have all of my necessary documents after I finish packing. "Conference calls and the Internet are really going to save my ass these next couple weeks."

"Don't forget to actually be in the moment while you're down there. You'll have both of your girls down there, and you need to keep sharp."

I sigh, annoyed. "Only one of them is my girl, Amanda. And besides, we're not going to stay in Oak Bend the whole time. It'll be her first time down in Georgia, and I want to show her where I grew up."

"Touching, but I didn't mean it like that."

I scoff. "I'm sure you didn't."

"You're the worst."

I hum distractedly in response as I walk to my closet to get another t-shirt and pair of pants.

"Oh shit," she hisses, "One of my neediest clients is here. I've gotta go. Be safe and text me updates okay?"

"Good luck, and I will, Mom. Thanks," I retort.

"Bye, jackass."

When I return to the bed where my suitcase is perched, I see she's hung up and my music is playing again. 

We bicker like cats and dogs but I love her like she's my sister. 

Before I get the chance to enjoy my music, I have to call my office.

"Kensington and Associates, how may I help you today?"

"Hey, Kelsey, it's Colt. I just wanted to make sure that all of my appointments for the next two weeks were taken care of. I know we already went over them with the clients on the calendar, but I just want to confirm."

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