Chapter 4: The Truth

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I took another lap around the small town, deciding to stop at Clint's on the way home for dinner.

Today's Thursday, and I honestly can't wait to go home. Because I didn't bring any case work with me, I don't have anything to occupy myself with, so I've been with either Tommy or my father or talking to Brooke on the phone. I only have three more days left of this place. I've decided to leave on Sunday rather than Monday. There's just no reason for me to stay here anymore.

As I pass by the church after dinner, my phone rings. I check the caller ID and answer it.

"Hey, beautiful," I answer, walking over to a sidewalk bench and sitting down to try to catch my breath.

"Hey, baby. What's going on? You sound a little breathless," she chuckles.

"Just out running," I tell her.

"Right. I was just calling to see what you were up to. I miss you up here," she whines playfully. I laugh because that's exactly what the folks down here have been saying since my temporary return. Her tone of voice also sounds like Tommy's kid, Alan. I can even imagine the childlike pout she must be wearing on those pink lips of hers.

"You sound like my friend's kid down here. I miss you, too. I've got a surprise for you."

"What is it? Am I going to like it?"

"I think you'll love it. I booked a trip home for Sunday instead of Monday. I miss you and Boston too much to stay any longer."

She's silent for a couple seconds before she answers.

"Cole, you don't have to do that. Stay and visit with your family. You guys haven't seen each other for seven years. You have all the time in the world with me when you come back home to Boston. Is it really that bad down there?"

I'm stunned by her statement. I would have thought she'd been happy that I'm coming home.

"It's not bad down here. There's just no reason for me to stay here. I've done what I came here to do."

I hear her blow out a breath on the other side.

"If that's what you want, Cole."

Cole. Colt.

"It is, Brooke. I've gotta run, but I'll see you Sunday evening, okay?"


"All right. I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you. Oh, and Cole?" I wait for her to continue. "Nice accent."


I go to question her about this accent that I certainly do not have, but the line's dead.

I need to get out of here.

I guess it would make sense that I have the southern drawl in my speech again. I mean, it was my first speech pattern, and being surrounded by people who speak it certainly couldn't have helped.

Oh god.

I put my phone back in my pocket and start walking home.

And then my phone goes off again.

"Hey, Tommy."

"You doing anything tonight or at the moment? They need help setting up for the festival tomorrow. I said I would call you to see if you'd be able to help. We're either heading to Soda Pop afterward or going back to the old field and having a tailgate bonfire. You down?"

I can't remember the last time that I had to do manual labor, but that doesn't cross my mind before I agree to help him out.

"Of course I will. I'm on my way now. Same place?"

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