chapter 16

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Hey guys, so I fucked up the past couple chapters cause I'm stupid and forgot SueEllen was pregnant, I made an announcement on my profile. I'm sorry, and I've attempted to put my version of a band-aid on it. I will fix this and edit it better when I finish the story and go back to revise it. If you notice any inconsistency, please, please, please let me know! As Robin from Stranger Things 3 would say, "You're a dingus."

Yes, I'm aware. Thanks.


Josie's POV

I was still on my guard as I talked to James, but I noticed my wariness start to fade more and more as the night went on.  Within the next hour, we had talked about almost everything under the sun. Obviously, I didn't tell him the reason for my divorce or other personal things, and I was grateful that he never asked. He told me about his mother in the Air Force piloting overseas, and I told him about my father. We exchanged other stories, and I found myself feeling lighter like a weight had been lifted off my chest and I could finally breathe. 

We're currently talking about college football when the song changed to one of a slower tempo, and his eyes light up as "I Hate Love Songs" by Kelsea Ballerini plays through the speakers.

"Would you like to dance with me?" he asks, holding out his hand for me to take. 

Reality comes crashing back down on me as I realize what's being asked. It's not that I don't want to dance with him. I do. But I know that if I accept, this could lead somewhere else. I don't want to push myself. 

But at the same time, I've done nothing for the past two months but wallow in self-pity and work, claiming I'm over him. I guess now's just as good a time as any to finally put my money where my mouth is. 

I slowly reach up and take his hand, letting him pull me up out of my chair and ignoring the apprehension in my gut. He smiles encouragingly at me and leads us to the dance floor. James grabs my other hand and places it lightly on his shoulder. I can feel his strong muscle underneath the thin t-shirt he wears, and my breath catches as he puts his hand around my waist. I don't know if it's because I haven't been this close to another man in over ten years or if it's because of how nervous I am. He's a totally different person.

He smells clean. Fresh cotton sheets and lemon with a light spray of cologne. Chanel Bleu. My dad used to wear it. 

It's a sharp contrast from Colt's earthy and gingery scent. 

I shake my head and let James lead me while we dance. 

"You okay?" he asks.

I glance up at him to see a worried expression crossing his face. 

"I'm fine," I cover, "Just thinking about, well, don't take this the wrong way, but you smell like my father."

An amused smile quirks his lips as he nods thoughtfully. 

"Can't quite say I've ever been told that by a girl before."

"No it's a compliment really. I loved the way he smelled. Chanel Bleu right? Your cologne? He used to wear it for special occasions. It was my favorite scent growing up."

"You were a real daddy's girl, huh? In that case, I'm flattered," he says.

"You should be," I joke. "And also, don't make it weird there hotrod."

He says nothing, instead replying by sticking his tongue out and smiling softly. He's silent for a minute, and I wonder what he's thinking about. 

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