Learning the Truth

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     The next morning, he was still stuck in my head. I liked him. I needed to talk about him to someone, so I walked down the hall to see Gabe. I knocked on his door, then he let me in.

     "What brings you to the Batcave?" he asked with a smile on his face. I sat down on his bed next to him, then I spoke.

     "I like someone," I blurted.

     "Oooh. Who? Spill the juicy deets," he said, making me laugh.

     "Well, um, I, uh, Dalton. I like him," I said.

     Gabe immediately looked apprehensive. "I wouldn't," he said, simply. There was a slight look of concern on his face.

     "Well, um, what do you mean by that?" I asked, scrunching up my face in confusion.

     "Alright, uh, don't repeat this, okay?" he asked. I nodded, urging him to continue. "He's just not…good. He'll break your heart. Trust me on this. He's a player, and he can’t commit. He couldn't even commit to the band!"

     "Wait, what about the band?" I asked, still confused.

     "Dalton used to be in a rock band called Fly Away Hero, but then he joined IM5. Then, he left IM5 to go rejoin Fly Away Hero," Gabe explained.

     "But I just don't get it," I said. "I mean, he seemed so nice."

     "He is nice. And he's a great friend, just not a great boyfriend. Please trust me, Gabby. I don't want you to get hurt."

     "But I-I like him. Kind of a lot. He likes Harry Potter and he seems sweet and funny and…and he doesn't seem like how you just described him," I replied.

     Gabe sighed slowly, then said, "Please, Gabby. Listen to me. I've known Dalton for a while. At least longer than you have. And I know that he is funny. And he does like Harry Potter and he is sweet. But he changes interests quickly and often. He moves on easily. He's not going to treat you right."

     "I don't want to believe you, Gabe," I said. "I want to still like Dalton. And I do. And you can't stop that."

     "I know that I can't," he started. "The only thing I can do is sit around, waiting, until I have to pick up the pieces of your broken heart. Please trust me, Gabby, I don't want to see my best friend in tears because of a guy I tried to warn her about."

     I silently nodded, then stood up. "Thank you, Gabe. If I actually can't trust Dalton, I know I can trust you. Thank you for that." And with that, I walked out of his room.

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