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7 months later..

Erin is now almost 8 months. Obviously everyone knows about it and Jay was on the same page of keeping the baby. They pratically lived together Erin slept at his house almost every night. Jay got emamcipated from his mom even though he was only 17. His mom didn't agree with what he was doing so he got his own apartment. A two bedroom one. He had his room and one for his son that would be here in weeks. He had a crib and a few other things in there. Erin had a crib in her bedroom because they didn't know if they we're gonna live together. But it's been rough for the both of them. This pregancy was the worst for her at least that's what she told everyone. Sometimes she couldn't even sleep at night because her kid would kick her so much.

She told Rachel but only through a voicemail. From being best friends to now nothing but people that call and leave voicemails. There was nothing with them. Although Thea and Erin were still best friends. Erin still led cheer but barely did anything she still went to all the games and did easy cheers that wouldn't hurt her. But now Erin was super big but people told her that she was cute pregnant. Kelly and Erin became close again. And he finally told her that he wanted to keep their baby.

Graduation was in 2 weeks. Then Erin and Jay would be done and could focus on being parents. Good ones.

Erin walked into school with lose jeans and undershirt and a shawl over it. She had her hair in a messy bun and wore no makeup. Although people now knew her as the hot pregnant teen. But her heart belonged to Jay.

"Hey prego." Jay said kissing Erin.

"Hey." She said weakly.

"You okay you look a little flushed."

Erin nodded her head as Thea ran up to them and went in between them separating their hands.

"Hey best friend and best friends boyfriend and hello my future nephew." Thea said touching Erin's belly.

"Hey I gotta go talk to coach I'll see you later?" Jay said heading to the locker room.

Erin nodded her head putting on a little smile and continued walking with Thea to homeroom.

"Hey man!!" Adam said to Jay.

"Hey how was Hawaii?"

"Awesome! How's Erin and the baby?"

"We are doing good I was just heading to coach's to ask him something."

"What about?"

"If I tell you, you can't say one word."

"Yeah." Adam said eagerly.

"I'm gonna ask Erin to marry me." Jay said with a serious face.

"Dude that's awesome!" Adam said slapping Jay's back.

"She is everything and I love her and our kid and we are already practically married you know? The day I saw her I just had a feeling."

"Cool, but what if she says no?"

"Well she'll still have to deal with me right? I mean we have a kid together." Jay says as they both laugh.

Jay goes to coach's office and asks him, if he can send everyone to the gym during lunch so he can pop the question. He says yes. And then Jay grabs the ring from his locker.

Later in the day they head outside for lunch like they would usually do. But then coach goes on the speaker announcing different.

"Change of plans today, everyone go to the gym we have someone that wants to ask a very special young lady a question."

The school heads to the gym and everyone takes a seat on the bleachers. Erin and Thea sit together in the middle area and Erin looks around for Jay but she sees him no where.

"Where is Jay?" Erin whispers to Thea.

Thea shrugs her shoulders and Erin keeps looking around.

"Today someone came to my office and asked if I could bring everyone in here so that he could ask his girlfriend a question. Now these 2 have been together for a while now,  and I understand that in a few days it's there anniversary. So this young man is gonna come and do something and I don't even know what he has planned.

"I'm gonna go find Jay." Erin says walking down the bleachers.

"Erin!" Thea whispers.

"I'll be right back!" She says as she keeps walking.

She doesn't look up to the gym floor but she keeps walking out. She reaches the floor and goes over to the exit door and then she hears her name. Being called by.. Jay.

"Erin, baby will you come here please?" He says taking the microphone.

She turns from the door and sees that everyone is looking at her she smiles and starts to walk to Jay, she touches her stomach and then reaches the gym floor where Jay and coach we're standing. Jay grabbed both of her hands and the coach stepped back letting Jay take over.

"Jay?" Erin whispered trying not to make a big scene.

"Erin Linsday I knew that the minute I met you, there was something with us but I couldn't get you because you we're dating Kelly Severide. 2 years ago almost we started to date and I love you more than anything. Everybody already knows you're pregnant and I can't wait for this baby. And I know that you are only 17 and we are only seniors but I promise you that I will love you and our kid more than words can tell you. I wanna spend the rest of my life by your side. And I hope you do too. Erin Linsday I love you so much, so will you marry me?" Jay says getting down on one knee.

Erin starts to cry and touches her stomach. "Umm." She says laughing quietly as everybody stsys silent. "I love you too, yes! Yes I will marry you!" She says as Jay puts the ring on her finger and hugs her. Everybody stands up and starts to cheer!

Thea starts crying and runs to Erin and Jay and hugs them both.

Erin realized that this was her happiness. If nothing else Jay and her baby was all she needed.

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