You'd Never Understand (03/07/19)

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I'm going back to therapy to better myself
For my mental health
And you're like why?
When I explain why...
I cant tell you the whole reason
Cause you're part of it
You know what you've done to me
You know how you've destroyed my life
Yet you're confused
Why I would seek help
I'm not big on therapists...
Anyone who knows me knows that
But when I put my foot down
And finally decide to start going
You act all innocent
As if you didnt play a part
In turning me
Into the fucked up mess I am
You would never understand
Because no one else stood up to you
I've been standing up to you
For quite some time now
You never liked that
Tried to put me in my place
But I'm free
And I wont be chained down again
Not by you
Not by anyone
Going back to therapy
Will help me become stronger
To be able to fight back
You act like me going to therapy
Is bullshit
That my reasons
Are shitty
Because panic attacks arent a thing...
Until you start waking up
Breathless and clutching your chest
Cause you're so scared
That the images are real
That the past is coming back
You will never understand
I have PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression
Because my problems
Werent serious enough to you
They were just excuses
Not a call for help
Well fuck you
Because youd never understand

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