Don't Touch Me (05/09/19)

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Even in dream I cant escape you
I'm so scared of what you'll do
You held me down
And proceeded to touch me
I tried to fight
And I tried to scream
But it didnt deter you
The way you forced yourself onto me
After being told no so many times
I felt so hurt and angry
Couldnt you respect my wishes
At least just once in my life?
You took my nos as yeses
You took my fuck off as a come closer
I tried to convince myself to wasnt real
But I felt every touch and movement
And it felt more real than I wanna admit
I felt so much pain
And you didnt stop
Had me in tears
But it wasmt enough
You forced yourself till I screamed
When you finally got close
You forced me to look you in the eye
And watch you as you came inside
I couldnt bear to watch
For I knew then
That my life was over
I covered my face and felt you laugh
Tears ran down my cheeks
You slipped out and left
Leaving me there shaking
Unable to move from the pain
When I finally woke up
I looked around me
And realised it was only a dream
That it didnt happen
But I felt sore
Like it had
It took me a long minute
To attempt sleep once more
The shadow of you looming over me
Left me shivering
As I tried to calm myself enough
To try and sleep
All I know is that
I never wanna think of this again
I never wanna see his face
I never wanna be touched again
I never wanna be forced against my will

I'm trying to set myself free
And find some sort of peace
But I cant do that
Not in my wildest dreams

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