Fractured (01/19/19)

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Lying on the cold hard ground
Cant make a sound
Barely able to breathe
Silent screams
No tears fall
But my soul falls
Farther into
The pits of despair
What have I done
To make this hurt
So much
If its the right thing
Then why cant I see
I'm stuck in eternal darkness
Unable to escape
Ever since
That day
I cant stop screaming
Silent tears
Horrid nightmares
I cant break free
I try to claw my way through
But I'm dragged back down
By doubt and anxiety
Cant leave
Nothing helps numb the pain
Screaming louder
Tears rain down
What can make this end
But I won't make you worry
So I'll tightly tie my mask
With the biggest smile
Because I can't
Let you see
That no matter what
I'm broken
But that makes it worse
Maybe cause
I want you to see
How broken I've been
So I can show you my pain
We can cry together
I won't make you cry
I promise
If it's the last thing I do
You won't see me
Carry the burden I do
I'll keep your vision cloudy
And my world will continue
To be forever

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