I'm Me and That's All I Need to Be(02/19/19)

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I have faced so many obstacles
I've been proven to time and time again
How easily replaceable I can be
Ive been shown
How it feels to be loved by the wrong people
I was forced against my will
To do things
I would never wish on anyone else
I have lost everything
And started over many times
And this time
I think I've finally got it right
I have my demons and battles to face
But this time I'm not alone
This time i have someone to hold my hand
As we face the darkness together
I'm finally at peace with my past
And I'm thankful for it
For without it
I wouldnt be where I am today
Some may not agree with my choices
But its my life and my path to walk
I will face the consequences as they come
But for now
I am me
And that's all I need to be
I finally realised that the best I can be
Is by me being me
And I wouldnt change that for anything

Thank you to those who have helped me
To find a better path
For without your help
I would continue being ever so lost
Hardships arent easy to face
But I'm glad I've made it out alive
Dont give up
Things will get better
I promise

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