LossEveryday I face them
And everyday I'm worn down
Like the rocks on the shore
I'm still rough around the edges
So they come crashing down
Like waves trying to smooth me out
I wasnt meant to be happy
Not truly, purely, happy
Happiness comes at a price
Always does
Every rainbow is caused from a storm ending
But for me
It's like the storm is never ending
The turmoil brews inside
Waiting to burst out
Ready to knock down the walls
I've built to keep it in
No end in sight
Then I see my love, the waters ease up
And the storm dwindles to sprinkles
It never fully stops
But it surely quiets down
And I dont feel like im gonna explode
I feel more at peace in His presence
Than anywhere else
His smile brings tears to my eyes
The ones of relief
To be able to release the storm
In his comforting embrace
Like a shelter in a hurricane
And I feel like I'm protected
From the very thing
Pounding outside
Waiting to ambush me with its wrath
When I let go of him
For nothing can ever stop
Raging Emotions