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My phone rang for the seventh time when I finally picked it up.


I shifted my weight onto my left leg and debated picking up or not.

It could be important, right?

I've avoided him ever since Mysterio had leaked my identity. I avoided everyone, in fact. Aunt May must've been worried sick... I got a queasy feeling in my stomach from the guilt. MJ and I were just starting our relationship too. Are we broken up now? I haven't spoken to her in a month now. No one officially said anything, I just disappeared.

The only people that know where I am are Happy and Fury. I didn't even want Fury to know but he's impossible to hide information from.

I was pulled from my distracting thoughts when my phone buzzed in my hand for the eighth time. I promised Happy that I wouldn't talk to anyone, but maybe Ned could be an exception. After all, he's my guy in the chair.

"Hey, Ned," I spoke into the phone quietly.

"Peter!" he basically screamed in my ear as I turned down the volume a few notches. "Where have you been? We all thought you were dead!"

I rubbed my elbow guiltily. That's all I ever felt nowadays. Guilt.

"I just... had to get away for a while," I somewhat lied. I honestly didn't even completely know why I left. I felt betrayed, scared, heartbroken, I guess I just panicked.

He scoffed, "get away? What do you mean get away?"

"I just had to get my mind off of things for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"As long as it takes."

He paused, "as long as what takes?"

My breathing hitched in my throat as I struggled to find the right words to say next.

As long as it takes to feel whole again.

"The mission," I lied.

"The mission?" he questioned, "what mission? Why are you acting so weird?"

"How's MJ?" I breathed heavily, trying to break apart from the topic.

Ned didn't respond for a few seconds and I could practically feel suspicion radiating from the phone. "She looks fine, but I think it's just a front she's been putting up. I can't really tell though because she always looks kinda dead inside."

I laughed and smiled at the thought.

"Peter," he pleaded suddenly, "please tell me what's been going on. You know you can trust me- I'm your guy in the chair!"

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair messily. "It's not you that I don't trust and you know that," I told him seriously.

"I miss you, Pete." His voice grew quiet, "we all do."

My heart squeezed painfully in my chest, once again ridden with guilt. I wanted to tell him that I missed him too. Everyone. Maybe even more than they did. I miss the way things used to be.

"I'm sorry," I whispered into the phone. "I have to go."

My thumb was hovering over the end call button when he squeaked out, "wait!"

He panted, "listen, the reason I called you is important and you have to listen to me." I nodded curiously even though he couldn't see me, "it's MJ... she's been getting these messages."

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