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My head hurt. A lot. Maybe like it'd been run over by a car... or a building... or an entire continent. Yeah, that one sounds about right.

The bed I was laying on was stiff with a single layer of blanket that was as thin as toilet paper. Not to mention it smelled like stale crackers and hand sanitizer. I scrunched my nose up in disgust which was when I heard a gasp.

"He's awake!"

I opened my eyes groggily just to be blinded by the light shining above me. I squinted while I looked around the room.

"How are you feeling?" Happy urged me to speak. "Don't talk if you can't."

I was in a room with white walls and medical equipment everywhere. Happy was the only familiar face in the room, the rest being doctors.

I stared up at him with wide eyes. "What happened?" He had a pained look on his face and kneeled down so that we were eye level. "Is it something bad?"

"I'm really sorry, Peter," he murmured and rubbed a hand on my shoulder.

My stare intensified as I waited for him to continue. "Just tell me, Happy."

Happy's eyes squeezed shut. "I don't know how to tell you this Pete."

I glared and straightened my back in the uncomfortable hospital bed. "You're scaring me, just say it!"

"Peter," he whispered with sad eyes. I felt anticipation bubbling in my veins and fear spiking with every move his mouth made. I wasn't sure which I was more afraid of. Him answering or never knowing.

"You're pregnant."

All the feeling in my body came crashing down. "I- what?" I glanced downward and moved the hospital gown to the side slightly.

Yeah. Definitely not pregnant.

Happy bursted out laughing and I tried to put on an angry face but ended up failing. Happy was almost never happy. So when he was you had to celebrate it.

"I hate you." I glared but it contradicted with the smile on my lips. "Now tell me what actually happened."

"Okay, okay. "He raised his hands up in defeat. "What's the last thing you remember?"

I ran my head through my recent memories. "Um," I blinked stupidly, "I remember Quentin and I killing one of the elementals. Then after he met me on the roof and..." my face burned a scarlet red.

"And what?" he interrogated with an intrigued expression.

"And we talked." I nodded.

"You talked?"

I tugged on the bottom of my ear nervously. "Yes. We talked."

"Talked about what?"

"Superhero stuff."

"Superhero stuff?" Happy scoffed at me.

He kissed me, Happy. Is that what you want to hear?

"How is he, by the way?" I cleared my throat, "Quentin."

Happy immediately tore his gaze away from me and I felt my blood run cold. "What's wrong? Did something happen? Can you take me to him?" Happy didn't say anything back except open and close his mouth, fighting to find the right words. I raised my eyebrows up expectantly. "If you don't answer me in ten seconds then I'll strangle you with my webs while you're asleep," I warned. He shook his head and finally began to speak.

"Peter, he's dead," he whispered and reached out his hand to hold onto mine but I tore it away.

"He's what?!" I shrieked, fully alert and heart thumping in my chest. "Who killed him? How did he die?"

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