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Present traveling to the past

Quentin gave Mr Stark a dirty look. "I'm not a magician."

He looked him up and down before raising his hands up in fake surrender, "Could've fooled me. Gotta say, I'm not sure how I'm feeling about the fishbowl." He teased and Quentin clenched his fists. I gave him a knock it off look and he begrudgingly stalked back toward the helicopter.

I went to follow him but Mr Stark pushed a hand against my chest gently, "Not to be ungrateful or anything, but I'd appreciate if you could explain why an insect and a prick wearing a cape just rescued me."

I grinned, remembering how endearing his cocky personality was, "It's a long story but I'll explain it to you on the ride back." I promised.

"I'm sure you already know, but it's a pleasure to meet you." He held out a hand, "I'm Tony Stark."

"Peter Parker."

I ignored Quentin being childish and pouty while Mr Stark flew back toward New York City, "Ready to explain?" He asked me while I nodded, flicking Quentin's forehead to get his attention.

"We're from the future, 2023." I said bluntly, expecting him to not believe us.

"Cool." He responded lamely, "Do I still have my hair? I've been concerned about balding recently." He checked himself out in the mirror while I gaped at him.

He took it that easily?

"Could you just keep your eyes on the sky, pal?" Quentin complained and crossed his arms.

"Could you just pull that stick out of your ass, bud?" Tony retorted and I kicked Quentin in the shin while he grumbled in irritation.

"Anyway." I redirected their attention, "We're here for an important reason." I then proceeded to tell him about Shadow and his plan.

"Why'd you come back here? You could've just destroyed the machine." He pointed out.

I fiddled with my hands and stared out the window, "I didn't want him to hurt you."

"And we needed to make sure we got rid of him for good." Quentin stepped in and I raised my fist warningly.

"I'll strangle you with my webs if you don't cut it out." I mouthed. He shut up.

"Where is future me? Why didn't I come with you guys?" He questioned. When he noticed my hesitation, the usual confident grin he had on his face deflected. "So how'd it happen?"

"How did what happen?" I asked, confused.

"How did I die?"

Quentin squeezed my shoulder comfortingly when he saw how choked up I was. I placed my hand over his own and squeezed it back just as tightly.

"Actually, don't tell me." Mr Stark changed his mind, "I shouldn't know anything about the future."

"Yeah." I mumbled sadly in agreement.

It was silent for a while before he cleared his throat and spoke up again, "So you're called Spiderman, huh?" He asked but it was more of a statement than a question.

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