Chapter 2: Surprise, Surprise

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Owen was finally able to go collect his things from his last home when he came back, I was surprised

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Owen was finally able to go collect his things from his last home when he came back, I was surprised. Most foster kids don't come with a lot, some have a good amount of clothes and a few other things that they have acquired over their years in foster homes. But Owen had almost nothing with him at all, all of his things fit into a single JanSport backpack. I wanted so badly to ask him about it but I haven't talked to him at all since the day he moved in. He didn't seem to like me much and I have always been someone who could take a hint. So I kept my distance.

"Boys can you come down," my mom yells in the stairs. I hear a slight groan coming from Owen's room and then loud footsteps coming in my direction, once again I'm completely ignored and almost knocked over by him. Once both of us are safely downstairs, luckily I have good enough balance to not be completely bulldozed by him, my mom informs us of the worst possible news.

"So, Owen, you have been here for a week now and I think it is time you started school. Matt's high school has allowed us the opportunity for you to also attend there! But for the first week, you have to shadow Matt." My eyes go wide and I stare at my mom like she has grown another head. This is not a good thing. I'm not afraid of having Owen be with me at school, in fact, that doesn't bother me at all, it's having to have Owen be around me that much that has gotten me completely freaked out. He's made it fairly clear that he doesn't want much to do with me or my family, we are just one more step until he can stop putting up with this bullshit. And dealing with his moodiness at school is just going to suck.

I go to a small private school just outside of the town I live in, it's not one of those super crazy private schools that cost a ton and are crazy strict, they don't even force us to wear uniforms. The only part that they are strict on is the entrance into the school, you have to take a qualifying exam and pass with an 85% to be admitted. Both my sister and I attended this school and my mom has been a part of the school board ever since my sister started here, meaning she does sometimes get special privileges. One being admitting Owen without the qualifying exam, seeing that he will only be attending the school for one semester.

"Thank you, Mrs. Palmer," Owen replies sweetly, "I don't have any school things." Although his voice sounds sweet, his face is lacking any emotion whatsoever, it is terrifying to me.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered. I went shopping today and got a backpack and a few notebooks for you. They are sitting by the front door."

"Will teachers be informed he is shadowing me? I just don't want things to be difficult," I say, not looking in Owen's direction.

"Everyone will be informed, now go rest, you have to be up at 7 for school tomorrow."

I walk upstairs, avoiding Owen at all costs. I could practically feel him glaring at me after I spoke up. I honestly don't understand why he hates me so much. Once I'm safely in my room, away from his glare I plop down on my bed. Tomorrow is going to suck.

"Listen here dipshit, I don't want to hang around with you any more than you want to hang around with me. But if you ever, ever act like I'm causing your life the tiniest bit of difficulty again I will kick the shit out of you and show you what difficulty really is," his voice echoes off my walls. I look up in shock to see him standing in the bathroom doorway, a firm glare painted on his face.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Don't fucking act so innocent, it makes me sick," he says his glare growing stronger and his fists ball up by his sides, "you are just like all the other foster brothers I've had. A new kid comes around and you start acting like a little bitch."

"You don't know me," I shout back, clearly shocking him, "the first day you were here I tried to be nice to you and you acted like a shit head. So don't call me the little bitch when you are clearly the one being the bitch."

Within a second me was in my face, I could feel the anger radiating off of him. His eyes were cold and hard, his breathing ragged and out of control, his fist balled in the air read to hit me. It was like he was frozen in this state, he clearly wanted to hit me and I think he knew I could do nothing about it if he did but for some reason, he didn't. I slowly brought my hands up and pushed against his chest, making him move slightly farther from me.

"Why didn't you just hit me?" I asked, my voice shaking ever so slightly. His eyes flashed back to mine, and for the first time they looked almost clear instead of clouded over, they held an emotion I wasn't sure I could grasp. His face never changed and with another quick second, he disappeared out of my room and back into his.

Way to go, Matt, two conversations with the boy and neither of them have gone well at all. I wanted more than anything to just hate the kid and not think anything about it at all but I couldn't do that to my parents. Or him, his life had been hard enough from the little bits I have gathered from my parents and I did not want to make it any harder.

I went to bed, a large knot forming in my stomach, I was nervous about school tomorrow, about Owen having to shadow me. I am not a popular kid by any means but I have my fair share of friends and have been lucky enough to keep a low profile when it comes to the assholes who might bully me. Owen might ruin this or he might be the cause of it. He has made his point about not liking me so what would stop him from turning the school bullies on me.

It seemed like only minutes had passed before I was woken up by a noise in my room. When I turned to look at my clock on my nightstand I was shocked to see it read 2:15. What in the world woke me up at this time.

"Don't freak out," a voice startled me from across the room.

"What the fuck are you doing in here," I whisper yell at Owen's dark figure.

"Can't sleep," his voice is a shallow whisper, "I'm nervous, I haven't really gone to a nice school before. I know it sounds stupid."

"It's not stupid. I understand I got the same way when I went to start there. But you will be shadowing me which means you have basically an entire week of being able to do nothing but getting used to it."

"Ah," he mumbled, I'm unable to see his face but I can tell he is thinking, "thanks." Once again he disappears from my room and I am left by myself. I fall asleep quickly with crazy thoughts about Owen rushing through my head.

I guess I'm 1 for 3 with conversations with this boy. 


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