Chapter 20: Birthday Boy

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Today is the day! Owen is finally 18 and will never have to worry about the foster system again

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Today is the day! Owen is finally 18 and will never have to worry about the foster system again. I know this can be a scary time because he is now an adult, and no one has to take care of him, so if any family wanted to, they could just kick him out. But my family wouldn't do that to him, in the few months that he has been in this house he has become family. We would never do anything to turn him away.

"Owen," I say softly, "wake up, it's your birthday." His eyes slowly flutter open, and a bright smile appears on his face.

"I would normally be angry at you for waking me up, but with that cute look in your eyes, I couldn't be mad," he says back, pulling me in for a brief peck.

"Happy birthday," I whisper before leaning closer to him and once again capturing his lips with mine.

"Boys," my mom's voice rings out, "come down for breakfast!"

Owen and I slowly make our way down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom and I had been planning a small surprise for Owen for the last couple of days; we wanted to give him the best possible birthday. On the kitchen table was an assortment of the best breakfast food possible, a bowl of fresh-cut strawberries, bacon, eggs, and of course, the Palmer family specialty, a cinnamon roll birthday cake. My mouth was hardcore, watering at the sight.

"Happy birthday Owen," my father spoke up, pulling my mom to his side, "we wanted to make this a great day from start to finish."

I glanced over at Owen, finally able to take my eyes off the food and catch a sight I could never unsee. Owen had tears flowing down his face, and he wasn't trying to hide it from any of us.

"Owen," I spoke softly, "are you ok?"

"I'm just trying to figure out how I could have gotten so lucky," he sniffles as he speaks, and wipes away the stray tears, "thank you so much."

He takes a few steps and envelopes both my parents in a giant hug. I soon realize I also have tears flowing down my face. The love I have for this boy is more than I can handle.

We sit down to eat and enjoy each other's company, laughing and smiling the entire time. It's hard to believe that at the beginning of this all I didn't have any faith in Owen being a good guy. But I guess Owen isn't just a good guy, he is the best guy, and everyone in my family can see it.

"Who's ready for presents?" my mom's giddy voice rings out over us, plopping three packages in front of Owen.

"Deb, you didn't need to get me anything. You have already done so much for me."

"Oh shush, of course, I was going to get you birthday presents," she says with a chuckle.

Owen starts with the smallest package, carefully tearing the paper. Once he reaches the box, he opens it revealing a house key that is painted navy blue and white. He smiles down at the key and back up to all of us, "I get my own key?"

"We figured it was about time you got one," my dad says with a broad smile. The next two packages have various pieces of clothing and a baseball cap. All of which he acts exceptionally grateful for. His reactions to these gifts make me more excited to give him my gift.

"Owen, come upstairs with me," I say politely, flashing my mom a quick smile. I drag the boy upstairs behind me, barely containing all the excitement I have in me.

As I pull him into my room, he pulls me to him and smashes his lips to mine. I smile against his lips and slowly pull away from him. Although I want to continue where this kiss was leading, it is not the reason I brought him upstairs with me.

"Happy birthday," I whisper and pull a small package from my desk. Owen quickly takes it and opens it, finding just a piece of paper.

"This is a reservation to a hotel suite?"

"It is," I smirk, "I used my savings to buy us some privacy, with the help of my mom. She is quite funny with no sex in the house, but she is completely ok with us doing it in other places. She even gave me condoms, which was uncomfortable."

"When can we check-in," he says with a sexy smirk on his lips.

"We can leave as soon as you pack a bag."

It took Owen less than five minutes to have a bag packed and less than twenty minutes to reach the hotel room. Our suite had a magnificent view of the beach, but I could care less about that because when I turned around from the window, Owen had already stripped down to his boxers. The ocean has nothing compared to the man standing in this room from me.

"I love you, Owen," the words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them, but I don't regret it for a second.

"God Matt," Owen says with a look in his eyes I haven't seen this intense before, "I love you so much." The look I now recognize is love, and I now realize that Owen has had some sort of love for me for a while now His eyes have always given him away, I just haven't been able to catch on to what they were telling me.   


Hi all! I know I have been bad at updating and I am sorry! 

I only have one more chapter for this story, which is really exciting for me because I'm really excited to finish it! I hope you have enjoyed it! 

Remember to comment and vote! 

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