Chapter 21: Missing Pieces

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It has been four years exactly since I walked into my living room to find Owen all bloody and bruised, four years since I acquired a new foster sibling, four years since I met the love of my life

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It has been four years exactly since I walked into my living room to find Owen all bloody and bruised, four years since I acquired a new foster sibling, four years since I met the love of my life. And let me tell you something, these four years haven't been easy. Owen had a lot of change to go through, a lot of hardships to recover from, and it was no walk in the park. Some days his emotions drained me of all the energy I had, and other days the happiness we felt in our hearts gave me the energy of a five-year-old. So many things changed in our lives, but one thing never did; our love for each other was still just as strong.

"Have you told him yet?" Mateo asks, pulling me out of the thoughts I had about Owen.

"Uh no," I spoke sheepishly into my phone, hoping Owen couldn't hear our conversation from the other side of our small studio apartment.

"YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM MATT!" Mateo screeched into the phone, "They got into town yesterday, there is literally no more time to wait." I knew he was right, but I was terrified. I did something kinda crazy, and I wasn't sure how Owen was going to react to everything. I found his old foster family, the one that he actually liked and told them about Owen and my family. Erica, the mom, was over the moon excited to hear how good Owen has been and even cried to me over the phone. An hour after talking to her, she was buying a plane ticket for her and her husband, Milo, to visit us. That was almost two weeks ago, and I still haven't told Owen.

"What is Mateo screaming about?" Owen says, plopping down on the couch next to me.

"That's my cue!" Mateo says with a giggle and swiftly hangs up on me. Here goes nothing, I guess.

"I did something, and I don't know how you are gunna feel about it," I whisper, afraid to even look at him. We have never really talked about that family after I found him in their house.

Owen looked at me, fear present in his eyes, waiting for me to continue, "I found Erica and Milo, and I talked to them. And now they are here, waiting to see you."

"Oh," he mumbled, showing no other signs that he understood what I told him.

"Oh? That's it?"

"Just give me a second," he says, while he seems to try and shake himself out of something he was feeling.

"I'm really good at preparing for bad news, and sometimes it's hard to get out of that mindset," he finally speaks, with a smile on his face, "Why in the world are you so good to me?"

"You aren't mad?" I say with a smile and a side-eye look, not entirely trusting his happy go lucky attitude right now.

"I'm shocked, yes, but mad no. You knew these people met something to me, and you went above and beyond to have me see them again. I think I somehow love you more." His smile was bright, and his eyes glimmered with so much love. "Tell them we can meet them in an hour at the coffee shop on the corner."

"Why an hour, the shop is right here?"

"Cause I have something else that needs my attention first," he winks at me before sliding his hand over my crotch. That's another thing that hasn't changed between us; we still have a very active sex life.

After not one or two, but three go-arounds, Owen and I are headed to meet the one family who treated him well. I knew Owen was nervous, and honestly, so was I, it's been a long time since he last knew these people and time could change a lot.

As we got into the coffee shop, I began to look around for the two but realized I haven't even seen a picture of them. But as my eyes scanned the shop, my gaze landed on a short, slightly round woman with a bright smile painted on her face, who was standing next to a tall skinny man who had tears slowly falling down his face. I knew they were the ones, and by Owen's quick departure from me, he knew it too.

"I should have known you would end up with a guy," the man I assumed to be Milo spoke as he released Owen from a hug, "you used to make me sit in the bathroom as you painted my face with Erica's makeup, saying you wanted to make me a pretty princess."

Owen chuckled at the memory like he was re-experiencing it, "it was like painting but on a face, and I didn't get in trouble for doing it. But yes, I am gay, and he is the love of my life."

Milo pulled me into a bear hug as he heard Owen's words, mumbling thank yous into the air, "I always hoped you would be shown love after we had to leave you. And I prayed you would never be abandoned again."

Owen spoke from beside us, clearly holding back tears, "you didn't abandon me, and I have never blamed you for leaving."

After the little reunion, we sat and talked to each other for what felt like hours. Owen told them everything about his life after their home. He told them about my family being his saving grace and his struggles with accepting his sexuality and feelings toward me. It was an excellent meeting, and I knew it was the restart of a beautiful relationship between Owen and this wonderful couple.

All the missing pieces that were Owen's past seem to now be filled. This was finally what he needed to have closure to the hardships he has faced before my family and my love. And we both knew that these two individuals were going to be a part of our future together. His 'family,' the one he is building, not the one that put him on this Earth, was growing, and so was he. I cannot wait until we get to grow our family even more. 

---The End---

ONCE AGAIN: thank you so much for reading my story! I truly appreciate each and every one of you! If you could please vote and comment that would mean the world to me! I hope you enjoyed this journey with Matt and Owen because I enjoyed creating and writing this wonderful couple.  

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